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- two months ago -

Karl was still zoned out when he heard the banging on the door.

"Karl are you in there?" He looked at the locked door, deciding to answer his friend.

"Yeah, I'm in here." She sighed thankfully.

"You know I need to come in." He huffed, pushing himself up from the floor and flushing the remains of his lunch in the toilet before opening to door to let her in. She just sadly smiled at him, but he was in no mood to smile back. She reached into her backpack and pulled out a toothbrush and some toothpaste, handing it to him as he began to brush his teeth in the sink. As he finished she spoke again.

"How many times?" Karl didn't want to make eye contact with her, so he kept his eyes on the floor as he answered her.

"six..." She slightly sighed, "Well I did come to check on you, but also to tell you, your mom is in the front office, you're finally leaving this hell-hole." He sighed.

"Thank you, Allison, I'll be sure to text you." He quickly hugged her before grabbing his bag from behind the door and walking to the office. The first person he saw was his twin brother. He looked sadder than Karl would've thought, though who was he to judge. His mother was getting the files of their school records from the front office lady before smiling and returning to face her boys.

"Everything is all packed up, Dad's already on the road with the moving truck. So let's go." The two of them followed her outside and into the van, which had middle-row bucket seats. Karl was behind his mom and Gage was in the one behind the passenger seat. They both knew the passenger seat was preserved for Nina, the family cat.

Gage seemed to have his usual emotions return as they left the school campus. "Why the hell do we even have to move?! This is bullshit mom!" She huffed before calmly responding.

"Gage we have talked about this before. We are moving so that you and Karl can go to a better school. One that will help you both with your issues." Gage scoffed.

"So we're going to a nuthouse?!" She shook her head.

"No, it's a school with kids like you two. All of them are in situations like you two."

"Oh my bad, so we're going to a junior nuthouse, my mistake dearest mother." Karl couldn't help but quietly snicker at his brother's words. Despite them not always getting along due to their differences....they still loved each other.

"Gage I don't want to hear you call it that, especially not while you're there." That shut the conversation down, Gage put his headphones on and quit listening, and talking. So now Karl was talking to their mom.

"So are we really gonna live on campus? I thought that was like only a college thing." She shook her head.

"Nope, since it is also a mental and physical facility there are on-site living areas along with the school and hospital. Though since neither of you has any record of physical harm to yourselves, you will pretty much have the same bedrooms that you would at home, except the 8mm windows." Karl nodded in understanding.

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one month ago

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The doctor smiled at Karl, "I'm glad to see you have been putting on some weight recently. Anyways back to the important matter at hand, today is your first day at the normal school, along with Gage as well. Unfortunately, you two only have one class together. Also, since you two have seemed to be recovering to an extent, you will have some privileges. Sleepovers are allowed with other patients, and also occasional field trips and whatnot. I won't keep you any longer, you know how to get to campus, have a good first day."

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