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chapter name: 5.


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I slowly opened my eyes and went to stretch my arms above my head before I realized I couldn't. I was laying in between two people, Nick and Alex I assumed. I was facing Nick, he had one hand in my hair and the other on my waist, I was holding Alex's arm from behind me, I had it curled up against my chest. I smiled at the warmth despite not knowing how I got into this situation. Eventually, Nick started to rustle a bit and wake up, he opened his eyes to see me staring at him, he didn't startle though, just smiled sleepily.

"Morning Karl..." He moved his hand in my hair a bit before unravelling himself from me and Alex and then standing up. When he stood up Alex started to stir as well. He yawned before pulling away from me. I lay there in bed for another few seconds before sitting up. As Alex sat up behind me I heard him groan, "God how much did we drink last night, my head hurts like hell." I smiled at his dilemma. "I can make us some hangover droughts if you guys need them?" Nick smiled, "How long will it take?"

I thought about it, "Maybe 15 to 20 minutes." Nick nodded his head, "I'll go see if everyone else needs one as well." I nodded and he left the room. I then glanced at Alex who had a hand on his head, "Head rubs?" He looked at me and smiled, "Please..." I scooted behind him with my back on the headboard, pulling his shoulders down until his head was in my lap and he was looking up at me. His face was tinted red as I smiled down at him, I didn't know if it was from the hangover or other reasons though. I realized he still had his beanie on. "I gotta take the beanie off..." He nodded, "Just don't let Nick see."

I snickered as I pulled off the navy blue beanie. Somehow his hair looked even softer than Nick's I slowly threaded my fingers through the locks as he started to close his eyes from the feeling. Eventually, I remembered what I was supposed to be doing and started to give him head rubs. He was humming at the feeling but as I heard footsteps coming down the hall I quickly pulled his beanie back on his head. Nick walked into the room.

"They said ye- was he getting head rubs?" I nodded my head and Nick pouted, "I wanna see your hair, Alex." He clicked his tongue, "Nope." Nick just groaned like a child and it made me laugh. I tapped Alex on the nose and smiled, "As much as I'd love to lay here like this I have hangover droughts to make."

Alex hummed before finally sitting up. I got up off the bed and opened the cabinet with my cauldron and ingredients in it. I grabbed my burned and ladle as well as a few 8 oz bottles. I turned the burner on and set the cauldron on the burner. Next, I grabbed all the ingredients I would need off of the shelf. I started to line them up in the order that I would need them. First I poured 28 ounces of lilac water into the cauldron. I watched as it started to bubble. I poured in the ingredients slowly and quickly, stirring when I needed to, I barely noticed that time had passed when I was done, but Alex and Nick were sitting on the floor in front of me in awe.

I gave them a confused look as I started to bottle the droughts. "What?" Alex glanced at the drought in the cauldron. "That is absolutely insane, you were so into it." Nick nodded in agreement, "Your eyes were glowing purple." I nervously blushed and laughed a bit, "Yeah when witches get into a deep focus their eyes can glow, also when they're feeling extreme emotions." They continued to watch as I bottled the droughts. I handed Nick and Alex both one, waiting for them to drink it but they looked a bit unsure. So I grabbed one of the bottles and uncapped it, swirling it three times counterclockwise for good luck before drinking it. It didn't have much flavor to me but that's the thing with potions, they taste different to everyone if you aren't a witch.

Alex and Nick both copied me, Nick smiling once he was done with his and Alex almost gagging. "How did it taste boys?" Nick handed me the bottle back, "It tasted like fruit." Alex handed his back as well, "Salt, salt, and a lot more salt." I laughed quietly before handing Nick the other three bottles, motioning for the two of them to go pass them out, and they did. While they were gone I put everything away and then laid back down on my bed. Eventually, they both walked back into the room and sat on the bed. I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was 3 pm, god we must have stayed up late.

I laid back on my bed, "Anything you guys wanna do?" Nick laid down next to me while Alex stayed sitting up, "Smoke?" I shook my head no, "Yes later but for now, we need to wait at least an hour or two for this drought to dissolve all the way, if you smoke after drinking a curing potion you'll have a cough like hell for a few days." Alex tilted his head in confusion and I shrugged my shoulders, "Witch stuff." He took that as an answer.

We sat there silently for a little while until Nick spoke up. "We can go to the movies?" I thought about it and remembered that there was a horror movie I'd been wanting to go see. "Sure, what about the new horror movie." They both nodded in agreement and we got up to get ready.

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