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Wilbur woke up to an odd feeling around his arms. He looked down to see that Schlatt had fallen asleep holding him, he smiled and moved a bit, Schlatt must have been a light sleeper because he started mumbling, and then pulled his hands from around Wilbur, he rubbed his eyes and then sat up. Wilbur almost whined at the loss of contact but instead turned to be on his back and propped himself up onto his elbows while looking at Schlatt.

Schlatt looked back at Wilbur, but for some reason Wilbur felt, weird under his gaze. "What's wrong Schlatt?" Schlatt just looked at him for a moment longer, "Wilbur, you're partially transparent." Wilbur gasped and immediately got up, he backed out of the bed and scurried over to the door, "M'sorry Schlatt I forgot to tell you that happens sometimes." Schlatt just smiled at Wilbur from the bed, "Well, if it makes you feel any better...When I get really emotional I can turn into a ram, or when I really want to I can, but it leads to me not being able to control myself really well."

Wilbur calmed down a lot at Schlatt's words. "Thank you for trusting me with that. I think that the nurse said I might be part ghost, I don't know what she entirely means so, could you come to the testing that I have to do today just in case something happens?" Schlatt nodded, "Of course I can." Wilbur smiled at him, as he began to float, "Oh shit," however unlike him levitating or rising to the roof, it was as if his gravity had changed, and he was now walking on the ceiling. Schlatt got up out of the bed, amused. "Oh wow." Wilbur jumped and again, the gravity pulled him back to the roof.

Just then there was a knocking on the door, "Boys, ten minutes before daily checks, and also Wilbur's diagnostics test." Schlatt smiled at Wilbur before leaving the room to go get ready for the checkups, to wear something other than pajamas.

- ten minutes later -

Wilbur was still walking on the roof when he stepped out of his room, now wearing different clothes. He was now wearing a yellow sweatshirt with some brown corduroy pants, he had socks on but no shoes, since his only pair were led there was no way for him to get them from here. He also had on a black beanie and his golden circle-frame glasses. Schlatt was laying on the couch on his phone, he was wearing black jeans with a light blue sweater. He had a pair of brown timberlands on his feet and had his hair semi-decently. A nurse knocked and then opened the door, only seeing Schlatt.

"Where is Wilbur?" Schlatt looked and pointed up, when the nurse looked up she gasped in shock, before sighing, "Wilbur, will you still be able to follow us to the doctor's office down the hall?" Will nodded before following the two of them down the hall. Eventually, his gravitational pull swapped and he was sitting next to Schlatt in a chair, waiting for the doctor.

- - -

"Hello boys, I'm doctor Morales, I'll be taking care of you guys today. So, Schlatt, you're here for a normal checkup, and Wil you are here for a first analysis. Ok, everything should be easy. Since Schlatt's won't take as long, we're gonna do his first. Wilbur, would you like to stay?"

The boy, now a bit shy, only nodded at the doctor. She smiled and continued her job, "Ok, Schlatt come sit up here while I get my things ready." He complied easily and sat up on the table patiently. She messed with some things on a counter and then turned back to Schlatt. She checked his heart rate, breathing, joints, eyes, ears (both sets), and then sat down noting things on her clipboard. "Okay so Schlatt, there are a few things to tell you about. First, your horns have stopped growing, they will continue to face forwards and if this proves to be a problem then we can get the tips of them wax coated to avoid injuries. Until now, you will be given canine caps to wear whenever necessary. Secondly, due to the affirmation that your horns have stopped growing, it leads us to believe that your growth will now sustain a halt, at least for a little while."

"During this time your transformations may become more easily controlled. Moving on, Wilbur, your entire evaluation may take up to an hour to complete. Would you like Schlatt to stay here with us?" Wilbur nodded and she smiled in return before leaving the room quickly.

Schlatt went to sit back at a normal chair while Wilbur stood up. He walked over to Schlatt who looked up at him curiously, while Wilbur just reached up to feel the tips of Schlatt's horns. He rubbed his palms against them and then the tips of his fingers, enjoying the rough, sharp, feeling. "Wilbur, I don't want your hands getting cut ok, don't mess with them." Wilbur slowly retracted his hands, his tone was sadder now, "Oh, ok...Sorry." Schlatt felt a bit bad but before he could say anything the doctor walked back into the room.

"Ok, Wilbur if you could just have a seat on the exam table?" He did as he was asked, a bit more hesitant than Schlatt had been. Dr. Morales sat down on her spinning chair and began to ask some questions. "So Wilbur, we have reasons to suspect that your blood is spliced with ghost, or whisp DNA, we will have to take blood to figure out your full extent. So let me break this down to you on a molecular level. Blood, your body and DNA, humans have one set of these absolutely trivial DNA cells, hybrids, like you and Schlatt here, have two."

"Now, we know that this second set of bloodcells are normally docile, non-harming and non-dominant in physical presentations. For some people, these cells are a bit more representative, like Schlatt here. His genes are more presenting, which is why he has ram horns, and the ears, and the tail." Wilbur looked at Schlatt who looked at the floor red-faced at the mention of his tail. "I don't talk about it." Wilbur snickered as the doctor continued.

"Ok, continuing, Wilbur, I'm gonna ask you a series of questions answer them honestly please." He nodded. "Are you able to take a form of a ghost?"

"I can become transparent, but I can still make contact."

"Any unworldy behavior?"

"Nothing that hasn't happened before, oh except today, my gravitational pull changed, I was able to walk on the roof until it was randomly returned to how it had been in the beginning."

"How recent was the last time you harnessed sound?"

"Uhm, actually the other day, when I met Schlatt I hushed the room for a few moments."

"How quickly did you get tired after that?"

Wilbur didn't really have a good track of time so he turned towards Schlatt who glanced back curiously until he seemed to understand the silent question.

"He fell asleep about 30 minutes after doing the sound thing." She nodded and wrote more things on her clipboard.

"Okay, so all I can do for now is two quick things, give you a quick shot so that you will materialize, and then take two beakers of blood for testing." Wilbur nodded and she pulled a syringe from the drawer next to the computer. She motioned for him to turn towards Schlatt, so Wilbur did turn but he put his focus on the wall. He felt the sharp pinch on his arm and simply smiled at the feeling. She then went to get a tube to take blood while Wilbur sat there.

She came back and quickly took the two capsules of blood before sending the boys on their way back to their room for the day.

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