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chapter name: 4

After about an hour of laying in bed, Karl decided to get up. He looked at the clock that was sitting on the desk in the corner of the room, 9:40. Not late at all. He walked to the desk, got a water, and then went into the other room. Techno was sitting in one of the window sills. He was taller than any of the other boys, yet he looked to be sitting comfortably. He turned after Karl shut the door behind him. His eyes looked red. "Are you ok?" Techno just looked at him for a moment later and turned back to the window.

Karl decided not to push and went to sit in the other window sill. He opened his water and took a swig. "No." It took him a moment to realize Techno was responding to him. "What's wrong?" He heard a sniffle. "It's just- well it's dumb." a long sigh, "My sister was the one who brought me. Not even my own parents y'know. She didn't know that it was so bad. That was until her boyfriend's kid snitched on me. I had been babysitting while they went out to eat, and took a few days to themselves, four to be exact. I had been awake for three days straight. On day three the kid wanted to talk to his mom so he called her, and said that when he went to the bathroom at night, my lights never turned off. She came home a day early and forced the truth out of me."

He took a deep breath and then got quiet for a moment. "And now i'm here." Karl nodded. "I cussed out my teacher." he got a laugh out of Techno. Just then a nurse walked in. "Hello boys. Due to us not having many rooms at the moment, you will be getting another roommate. He will be sleeping on the pullout couch until we get another bed in here or move you guys to a bigger room. He has psychosis and just got out of a two day relapse, don't talk to him unless he talks to you first, his name is Wilbur." She left the room and a few minutes later she walked in with another boy.

He was wearing a yellow sweater and black jeans. He had glasses on and he had dark brown curly hair with dark brown eyes to match. His eyes looked glazed over like he didn't know where he was, or what was happening around him. The lady sat him down on the couch and then left. Me and Techno were both standing at this point, looking at each other. Then Wilbur sighed and stood up, he looked around, focused. His eyes landed on me first. A friendly smile spread across his face, "I'm Wilbur, who are you?" I smiled back, wanting to return the friendliness. "I'm Karl." He nodded and looked at Techno who was also smiling. "I'm Techno."

Wilbur nodded again and did a circle in the room, looking at everything. "Would either of you happen to know where I am?" Techno cleared his throat, "You're in a mental institution Wilbur. You have a mental disorder, just like all of us. I have severe insomnia, Karl here has Bipolar personality disorder." Karl winced at his condition, he still wasn't used to those words. Wilbur's smile faded a bit but he still looked happy. "What day is it?" I answered this one, "almost ten at night on a Friday." he nodded again.

Then Wilbur turned to face Techno, "What did you mean by all of us?" He pointed at the door, "The other two roomies are in there, SapNap and Quackity. SapNap has an eating disorder, Quackity has shizophrenia." Wilbur sighed, "Oh ok."

All three of us stayed up for the rest of the night, around sunrise it got quiet and we all went back to our own thoughts.

Karl faced the door as it opened and he saw a sleepy looking Quackity standing in the doorway, looking at Wilbur, who was looking back at him. "I could've sworn I took my dose last night." He looked at me, "Is he real?" I just nodded and a face of relief came down on Quackity. Soon SapNap was also awake and talking to the new boy. After introductions an announcement came over the P.A. "Today, all meals will be brought to rooms and you are asked only to leave if instructed or you need to use the restrooms." Then it was over. We all looked at one another for a moment before a woman, the one who had brought Wilbur came into the room.

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