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chapter name: chapter one




Dream sat straight up in bed and cleared his throat, "I'm up!" he didn't get a response but knew that his dad had heard. Dream rubbed the sleep from his eyes and slung his legs off the side of the bed, standing up. He stretched, and then looked at his clock, 6:45. He had to be at school by 7:30, great. Deciding he should shower he walked to his closet, choosing out a gray t-shirt, some ripped bleached blue-jeans, a green jacket, and a gray beanie, It was gonna be cold today.

After showering Dream scanned himself in the mirror. His dust blonde hair was poking out from spots under the beanie, but that was ok. His dark green eyes were tired. The freckles that littered his face were very prominent for the time being, and his teeth were freshly brushed.

Leaving the bathroom Clay grabbed his backpack, phone, and AirPods, connecting them and finding a playlist on Spotify as he walked down the hall to his sister's room. He knocked on the light blue door, "Caitlyn? I'm leaving in ten." He waited a moment, "Ok I'll be down soon." Then he put an AirPod in and walking down stairs. His mom was in the kitchen, a apron tied around her waist as she cooked. His dad was sitting in his 'office' with a newspaper in his hand.

He claimed things were simpler back when 'the mothers cooked and cared while the fathers protected and warned' Dream didn't. He set his bag by the couch and walked to the kitchen, his mom smiling at him and bringing over a plate of eggs and bacon. "Your backpack sounded heavy... extra books?" He just nodded and began to eat the food. His mom stood there a moment, before his dad walked into the kitchen and she scuttled back to the stovetop.

"Morning, Clay." he looked at his dad making sure to hold eye contact, as that was 'respectable' "Good morning dad." His dad nodded in approval and walked over to the fridge, taking out the milk. "Where's your sister?" Dream was about to answer when Caitlyn herself came down the stairs, "I'm right here dad." His dad smiled and looked at his girl, "At least one of you can dress nicely." Caitlyn was wearing a pink shirt and tight jeans, with a thin cashmere coat. Her hair was curled and her makeup was done. She laughed a bit and gave Dream a look of pity.

She got an apple from the counter and put on her shoes, "Time to go Clay." He jumped up and set his food in the sink, "I have some projects to work on after school." His dad looked at his with an odd emoted face. Before Dream could take notice he left to get his shoes and bag. Running out the door behind his sister. They got into his truck and pulled out of the driveway.

Once they were away from the house, Dream looked at his sister, "You can change in the back." She looked at him, "Thanks." Then she crawled into the bag, Dream kept driving. A few minutes later Caitlyn crawled back into the front. Her makeup was gone and she had shook the curls out of her hair. She was wearing some gray leggings and a colorful hoodie, the shirt discarded into the 'backseat bag'. These were the clothes she preferred to wear, but she didn't dare to do that around her father, who seemed to be stuck in the past. "I'm guessing those projects are really reading at the library?"

Dream nodded, "Yeah, If you can't get a ride I'll ask SapNap to drive you home." She nodded and put in some headphones, playing some music that Dream couldn't hear.

~At School~

Dream parked the truck and as soon as the doors were unlocked Caitlyn was getting her bag and running inside, she didn't have a free period in the mornings. Dream did. Getting his keys and shoving them into his pocket he began to walk towards the school.

Inside the school many people were running and hustling getting where they needed to be, It didn't bother Dream, he was used to it by now. Making his way to the lunch room, and then to his table Dream sat down. He heard SapNap's voice first, "Man you look like shit." Dream laughed a bit and so did George. "Well you're about as delicate as a jackhammer." Dream was laughing even harder.

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