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book name: CDs


ship: Karlnapdate written: ??-??-????

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ship: Karlnap
date written: ??-??-????

///thoughts are italicized, signing&writing are "italics, bolded and quoted", words are "quoted."///

Karl sat straight up out of his bed. He put a hand to his forehead and took a few deep breaths.

Goddamn nightmares

After he had regained his composure and thoughts he slung himself out of bed, unhappily getting ready for the day. Now normally school wasn't such a trudge, but it was right now.

new place, new school, new FAMILY, today couldn't get worse. now it's jinxed

Karl groaned aloud before just rubbing his face with his hands while standing in front of his wardrobe. Eventually he huffed and began to get ready for school...

what to wear.... hm there's a chance people are homophobic but also...not

He skimmed through some clothes and just decided to go neutral, which meant black jeans, black shoes, a semi-vibrant purple hoodie over a dark purple t-shirt with a green swirl in the middle, also his nails were painted a deep violet, almost black.

Once Karl had brushed his teeth and fixed his hair he grabbed his gray backpack, phone, airpods (3rd gen not to brag), his lanyard and car keys, then he trudged downstairs.

His aunt was in the kitchen cooking, she looked up and smiled at him. Continuing to talk as she spoke to him.

"Kade is already in the truck waiting, he knows he isn't allowed to drive. Also I know you two haven't seen each other in years, so don't feel pressured to be close with him. Text me if you need me and your an adult and you are you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise Karl."

He smiled and signed a quick thanks to her before quickly grabbing a monster from the fridge and then going to the truck.

The drive was silent as Karl thought to himself and Kade jammed to something he was listening to.

I haven't seen Kade since I moved in. I mean he was at a like...football camp or somethin all summer? and living with his dad for the time being? idk it's none of my business. I wonder if he's chill or if he's gonna be an ass. I mean we were really chill as kids but timed change.

Thankfully Karl wasn't lost to his thoughts because Kade spoke up when he pulled into a parking spot at the school.

"Y'know Karl I'm sorry I haven't been around this summer, football has been tough especially since i'm getting looked at for varsity. You're still my cousin and now brother and even though we haven't seen each other throughout the years, I accept you ok? I think of you no different than I used to. I'll kick someone's ass if they say something, here add my number and text me if you need me ok?"

Karl was smiling happily, he hadn't expected Kade to like him anymore. He began to sign before Kade cut him off.

"I haven't learned a lot of sign yet, really only school terms and the basics...I was supposed to do it over the summer but i totally forgot and I'm sorry ok? I'm willing to learn though."

Karl nodded before typing on his phone instead, "thankyou Kade and I'll teach you when I can, but can you show me where the office is?"

Kade nodded before quickly getting out of the truck, and leading the way to the front office. Once they got there Kade spoke to the receptionist.

"Hi I'm here to get a..." he glanced at Karl. "schedule" Kade continued "A schedule for my brother." The receptionist nodded before typing something into her computer.

"Last name?"

She kept typing and then had a confused look on her face. She glanced at the boys then back to the computer, and back up.

"Kall-" Kade cut her off. "Karl." She nodded in understanding.

"I'll quickly change that." She typed some more before printing out the paper, two of it. She handed both of them to Karl. "So one is for you to keep, the other is what you need to show to your teachers so they can put you on their rosters. Is there anything important I should know so I can jot it down?"

Karl nodded and she quickly took one of the copies back, clicking a pen and getting ready to write. She looked up expectantly at Kade. He glanced at Karl who nodded for him to go on.

"Karl is mute, meaning that he doesn't talk, he can still hear, sign, and write though." She nodded quickly writing.

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