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chapter name: 3

Day two.

(AN, after this chapter we will have back and forth chapters of George teaching, and then 1-3 chapters of him spending time in school or with Nick, Clay, Karl, or anyone else. Basically, the next chapter is fluff.)

"Welcome class, as I said yesterday today will be our first day of actual learning. For our first lesson you can thank Sapnnap for choosing it because if you weren't here yesterday, that is indeed what he did for us." I cleared my throat and thought about my next few sentences, I also stared at the stack of papers on my desk and decided to postpone the lesson for a little while so I could talk to everyone in the class instead. "Ok, scratch that, we will start the actual lessons tomorrow. I hate to do this but we're gonna go over some rules and things of the such."

I moved the papers from my desk quite literally onto a table scattered with them, we don't talk about that paper or the table, but it was a good way to start the introduction to the room. "ok my students, that's weird to say. Uhm, listen up, please. That table right there, yeah the ones I just put the papers on, that table stays like that, yes it's a mess, yes it's always been that way, no I don't plan on cleaning or organizing it. If you miss a day where we actually did something, or just missed a paper, or whatever may have happened, it will be somewhere on that table. The rule with the table is that once a week, Fridays, any one person who wants to stay after class and get rid of all but one of each paper will get extra credit on the next quiz or test."

I walked over to the board and started a bullet list, the first one being 'the table' meaning I had already talked about it. "Seating, I don't care where you sit, but if you would prefer an actual seat, meaning it's yours and nobody else's, just tell me and I'll figure it out." I turned and wrote 'seating' on the board as another bullet, then I thought about what to talk about next. "Ok, I think that we will just go over more as the days and weeks progress, oh. If you have a suggestion for a lesson come and write it on the clipboard on the edge of my desk, nothing that will get you or me kicked out please." I then erased the bullets on the list.

I looked at the kids in the front middle row and pointed at a boy with fluffy light brown hair, "You, what's your name?" He looked around for a quick moment. "Oh, It's Karl Jacobs." I thought about it, "Yep ok, Jacobs please pass out the lesson papers I put on the table at the start of class." He quietly got up and started to pass them out while I searched for the lesson in my computer. I was having a hard time finding it though, "This stupud computer."

Eventually I found the lesson, it was also the time that Karl finished passing out the papers. He put the extra's on the table and sat back in his seat. While kids dug in their bags I started to walk to the light switches, "Pens or pencil is fine I don't care." Once the lights were off I grabbed the projector clicker so the slides would change easily while I walked around and talked.

"Ok, so yesterday Sapnap chose for our first lesson to be about The Nine Levels of Hell, and a spin-off lesson of it as well. Does anyone know any of the levels?" I waited for a moment and someone in the upper right area of the room raised their hand, "Yes you in the top right." She smiled at being chosen.

"The first level of Hell is Limbo."

"Good, she's correct. Also when you take notes in my class the slides are color-coordinated, if it is written in any shade of blue or purple then you should write it down, this first sheet is pre-printed so it's easier for you to write the correct things, but from this lesson on, we will use nothing but lined paper in here. Continuing, if you didn't get it in the title, there are nine distinct different levels of hell. They go in the following order: Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and lately and worst, Treachery. Ok, today we will be going over generally what they are known as, and then we will also dip into the SDS."

"Each level of hell is a different kind of torture or post-partum existence lifestyle. As they progress the torture is worse, but there would be fewer people or souls. Next week, seeing as tomorrow is the weekend, we will actually have time to learn about the first five levels, which are also grouped together as the more common ones." I had now gotten through about half of the first presentation, everyone seemed to be keeping pace relatively easily.

"Ok, does anyone know what the SDS is, or the Seven Deadly Sins?" I looked around, this time there were some more hands up in the air than last time. "So it seems you know what's considered wrong, but not 'what happens' when those things are done, interesting. Ok, the SDS do not have a specific order, but they are normally said in this order: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth." I let everyone write those down before continuing. "I do enjoy teaching these more than the Nine Levels so that is what I will teach for the last five minutes."

"Pride, is being boastful and believing you are better than others, and in some cases expressing it. Envy is another word for Jealousy, wanting what others have but not wanting to accomplish what they did to receive it, or planning to take it some how, thinking you deserve it more than you do. Gluttony, consuming more than necessary, not only by food, but by spending to much money and never helping others with it, many more examples of Gluttony but I only have five minutes. Lust, most of you horny college kids know what this is, but Lust is excessive sex, especially when it is in defiance or harmfulness of others. Anger, expressing it in an uncontrolled manner, with no restrictions, and by hurting others with it wether that be emotionally or physically. Greed, taking what isn't yours because you think you should have it, or having things others don't and not showing gratefulness for it. Sloth, being lazy and not doing what you need to do to succeed, making excuses and not doing what needs to be done."

"Sadly that is all the time we have for today students. I am also leaving at this time, but I will be here early Monday if anyone needs help with something, or anything of the sort." I looked at the top middle row and saw Nick and Clay smiling at me, "Have a good weekend everybody."

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