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chapter name: prologue

Welcome to class

"Hi, I'm George your new Omega student teacher. Please just call me George, but don't disrespect me as I still have to right to treat you as a student. Yes, I am an omega, in this day and time, you should accept the past hierarchy as a piece of the past and respect me as an equal. I'm always here for anyone who needs to talk, yes this will be a graded class. Lastly, please make sure all of your folders, binders, pens, highlighters, colored pencils, are either a shade of blue, gray, or purple."

I've been helping teachers teach all throughout high school and college now in my last year I had my own class, I was happy to do it, but it was also gonna be very stressful. Oh someone had their hand up, "Yes?"

"Hi, I'm Kiara, I was wondering what the curriculum is that we will follow this year?" I smiled, "Well that's a good question Kenzie." I had a joke with my past classes, I would never say anyones correct name, they always were nicknamed a new one. "See, you choose to take this class, meaning you don't have to be here, and you can leave whenever you want, but you should know. We do not follow a curriculum here, we go with the flow learning about many things over the year, all of which are helpful for different careers when you start your second quarter of college. All procedures and stuff will be addressed tomorrow, also when in school I am not your teacher, I will have some of the same classes as you, treat me like another classmate in there, but in here I am your teacher. If you ever need help with work I stay after school three days a week, so schedule a day to stay in with me."

"Any other questions, also for a week or so say you're name when you're called on." I looked at the classroom full of new shy faces, nobody seemed too eager to ask anything. God, I hated choosing people, "I hate choosing people, someone stick their hand in the air for the love of Christmas if you don't like Christmas you can go ahead and leave, that was a joke don't sue me." A kid in the back row with black hair and a bandana raised his hand, weakly. "You in the back." Many people turned to look at the person in question and I inwardly cringed. "What's the first thing we're gonna learn about?" I turned to look at my board, which was scribbled all over because of me never being able to get my mind together.

All of the words on the board were lettered abbreviations of lessons I taught once a year, they were all acronyms. The students didn't know what they meant, but I did. "Yeah, uhm what's your name?" I didn't turn around to face him again, "Nick." I huffed, "Nah to basic, favorite animal?" He was silent for a moment before hesitantly speaking. "Pandas." I smiled and turned to face him instead of the whiteboard. "Ok Sapnap, would you come down here so that you can choose something off of the board?" He sat there for a moment before sighing and getting up to come down the stairs.

He got all the way to me and stood next to me while he stared at the board. "Why are they all jumbles letters?" Now he was just talking loud enough for me to hear him. "It's abbreviations for lessons, just pick one." He continued to scan over them for a moment longer, then he pointed to one, "That one." I smiled and pat him on the shoulder, even though he was taller than me. "Oh Sapnap, thankyou, ok go back to your seat now." He smiled before returning to his seat in the back. I grabbed an eraser off the desk and quickly erased all the writing off of my board, then I grabbed a dark blue expo marker.

I wrote on the top of the board, 'TNLOH, AEL' I also smiled at the letters. I turned to face the class, "Anyone knows what it means.. no I didn't think so." I turned to the bored and said the words as I wrote them large enough for anyone to see. "The Nine Levels of Hell, and extra lesson." I turned to face the class, they didn't seem too be impressed. "Ok, you guys don't seem too happy, we're gonna start the lesson tomorrow though. For now, you can get stuff sorted out for your other classes, or come talk to me if you need to. I play music in this class most of the time, so if you have a song request there's a link on the corner of the board over there. Follow it, type in a song, and eventually, you'll hear it, and if I like it, it might end up on the class playlist. Nothing to stupid please."

Once I sat down at my desk and started the music students started getting there things out and working on things for other classes, I didn't blame them, the first day always sucked. I quickly made sure everyone on my roster was in class and then started to work on some stuff for my AP Math class, which I hated. Someone walked up to my desk so I quickly put a pause on the math and turned to face them, it was the same kid from earlier, Sapnap. "Anything I can do for you Sapnap?" He smiled when I said the nickname.

"Yeah, I was told this morning to ask my last block teacher about my dorm, I was told I'd be sharing with three people and I wasn't told the room number earlier, or who I would be staying with so, is there some way you could figure that out?" I nodded, "Yeah one moment, you can sit in that chair if you like." I had a few chairs around my desk for when I was helping someone or explaining something to multiple people. I took my phone out of my desk and called my friend Bad who worked in the front office. "Hey Bad."

"Hi, George, what can I do for you?"

"I was wondering who all is in the three dorm this year?"

"Oh yeah one sec." I heard some typing on his end of the line and then he continued. "Yeah, it's actually two kids in your class right now, Nick Armstrong, Clay Beverly, and actually... you." I smiled.

"Eh it could be worse, ok thankyou, I'll be sure to come visit you later today, just text me your room number." The line went dead and I faced Sapnap again, who was also facing me, awaiting my answer. "Well you will be sharing it with Clay, the person who sat to your right, and me, so you guys wait for me after class and I'll show you guys where it is ok?" He nodded his head and I swear I caught him blushing. Hey, I wasn't complaining, black hair, dark blue eyes, and a sweet smile. I wasn't gonna get in trouble either since I'm technically a student to. Then I caught myself smiling like an idiot in front of nearly one hundred kids. I wiped the smile off my face, but that doesn't mean the thoughts left my head.

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