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chapter name: 9

Techno walked in the Dream's room and looked around. At the moment he was in the common room, it was clean, had a few pieces of furniture, and a mini fridge for drinks. There were two more caved in windows, and thankfully they were also facing towards the city. He shut the door behind him and walked all the way in. Setting his key-card down onto the table he looked up to see Dream standing there, without his mask. Dream had light green eyes, and dust blonde hair, he was about the same height as Techno, and had freckles littered across his cheeks.

Dream smiled at Techno, "You finally made it! What happened with the nurses this morning?" Techno looked down at his gloved hands, "uh I'm not really sure how to explain it, but i'll try to later. Where's Wilbur?" Dream smiled, "He's in his room, he has been really worried about you." Techno nodded and went to the hallway, he quickly found Wilbur's door. Wilbur was sitting on his bed which was next to the window, he was looking out it. When he heard the door close he looked up and saw Techno standing there.

Wilbur quickly stood up and walked over to Techno, he hugged him, hard. Techno just hugged him back. Over the past few weeks the two boys had become very close to one another. Knowing lots of things about the other's lives, they were almost brothers. After a long moment Wilbur pulled away. "I nabbed a copy of your file, what the hell has been happening in that room?" Techno again, looked at his hands, "I'll explain later, I need to go and say hello to Philza, he did end up coming right?" Wilbur nodded and went to sit back down on his bed, still smiling.

Techno went back out into the hallway, and started to look for Philza's room. The room before the end of the hall was the one where he found Philza. He knocked on the slightly open door and then slowly walked in. Phil had been sitting on the floor, he didn't look at Techno for a moment, but when he did, he tried to smile. Techno was worried, "Are you ok? Why are you on the floor?" Phil looked away for a moment, "Um yeah I'm ok now, had an anxiety attack earlier." Techno didn't say anything. He just walked over and sat down next to Phil.

Techno had an anxiety attack once, it was horrible and he would never wish it on anyone. His sister had just sat next to him and waited until he calmed down, not saying a word, just being there. So that's exactly what he did for Phil. Neither of them said anything as they sat by each other, they just both walking in their thoughts. But both of them were happy with the small knowledge that the other was there. After about ten minutes Techno heard Phil sigh, "Ok, I'm alright now, thanks. Anyway, where did you go after breakfast. Wilbur said something about you passing out and the nurses taking you....?"

Techno stood up, "Yeah, I'll tell you three about it over dinner. For now I should go and unpack my things in my room." Phil smiled, and nodded, so Techno went on his way.

His room was the farthest down the hall, the door was on the far wall, not the wall that the other doors were on. This meant that the door was centered, and his room was a bit bigger than the other three. He smiled, they had left this one for him, and he appreciated it. The room was big, but it also looked very cozy. Due to the fact that Techno's insomnia wasn't something that could be fixed, he was going to be living in the hospital, for as far as the future could see. That meant since he was under no depressive state or suicidal watch, he had some more allowances in what things he could have in the hospital.

Normally, people weren't allowed to leave unless a family member would be with them for the day, Techno could leave when he wanted. Normally patients were not allowed any phones unless the family had agreed and even then set limits, Techno had his phone 24/7, but he was rarely on it either way. Normally patients aren't allowed to have any type of strings or things in their room that could be possibly life threatening, Techno had to follow these rules, but under less strict lines.

A normal patient's room would look something along the lines of. No window dips, a basic sheeted and decorated bed, no phones or electronics, no strings or harmful things, and normally little to no decorations. Techno was living here, it was different for him. After he unpacked his many many full boxes, and spending many hours working, his room was finally decorated to his liking. When you walked into the room, you were on the back wall. To the left was a desk, with his computer and mini fridge. To the right was a dresser, that was full of drawings and notebooks rather than clothes. On the left wall there was a big two doored closed, it had all his clothes, and shoes inside of it. On the sides were posters of his favorite bands and such. On the right wall there were many decorations. Fairy lights and pictures of his friends, pinned up drawings, and a few paintings here and there. On the big wall across from the door was his bed. Since he paid extra when sighing into the hospital, he had a queen sized bed. It had a basic metal frame, but the metal was white.

His bed had pale pink sheets and a blood red silk duvet. His pillows were also the silky red color. He had a small stuffed pig sitting on the foot of the bed. On that wall there were also two windows. They went from a bit lower than the ceiling, to chest high. It was thick glass but there were ledges, where Techno would be able to sit. Outside the windows was the side of the city that was looking straight down a busy street. There were many hotels, apartments, and stores along the one street. Next to the right side of the bed there was a nightstand. On it was his lamp, and his phone charger, along with some pens and pencils. On the left side of the bed there wasn't a nightstand just a little storage box on the floor, and then a light pink step ladder that went up to the window ledge. His favorite part of the room would be that window ledge. His second favorite part would be the big circular pink carpet that was three inches thick, and laid right under his bed.

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