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chapter name: 1


George slowly opened his eyes, he could feel his head buzzing, and a warm liquid running down his arm. As soon as his eyes were open a bright light was turned on, it made him hiss in pain and close them again. He heard voices on the outside of the cage, he also realized that he was in a cage. He didn't know how he had gotten in a cage, last thing he remembered was trying to run away from his last master.

They must have caught him, maybe he was about to die, maybe not. But all he seemed to be able to focus on was the fact that his head was literally seething with pain. He slowly opened his eyes and quickly could see and smell one thing in the air, curiosity.

George was a hybrid, a dear and a cat, meaning he was a half blood. And that meant that he was rarer in markets and even more expensive. Also, his eyes were blue, but because he was half deer, they were coated with dark brown, the only way someone would be able to tell they were blue is if he was truly happy. Which had only happened once. He regretted that incident every day of his life. Blue eyes were important. They meant that the hybrid who had them had some kind of special manipulative power. One of the things George could do was see things in the air.

He could see different feelings in the air, they weren't actual words with labels. They were more like smells that he could see, and automatically knew the feeling associated with them. It was hard to explain. Though right now, his senses had moved from curiosity to fear, he could smell other hybrids' fear in the room.

George decided to try and open his eyes again, and he did, without them hurting to much this time. He felt his arm and saw the hot liquid on his arm was blood. It shocked him because he didn't remember bleeding. Then his head stop hurting almost immediately and his eyes stopped hurting. He looked at the other hybrid in cages around the room. The cages weren't to small, but that didn't mean they were big either. George looked into the middle of the room and saw two people standing there talking.

One of them had black hair and a white bandana, his clothes were clean, and nice, he also had a gun obviously in it's holster on his hip. The other man was a bit taller, blonde hair and a confident stance. He had on a dark black outfit, and a look on his face that would send someone walking the other way in a split second.

It did make George realize in a split second that he was back in the hybrid black market, and the two men in front of him were finding an animal to buy. George didn't care at this point. Long ago he had lost the fight in him when he saw a buyer. He soon realized that the sick people preferred people with more, stamina. George just laid down in his cage and looked up at the wired roof, a light was right above his head so it hurt his eyes, but he didn't care enough to shut them.

After realizing the people in the room weren't leaving anytime soon he shut his eyes and fell asleep, still facing up. George didn't know how long he had been resting but eventually something blocked the light, and he slowly opened his eyes. He recognized the blonde haired man that was in the middle of the room earlier. The blonde man stared at him for a few more moments before going back to talk to the other man with the black hair. They laughed a little and then both nodded before leaving the room.

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