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chapter name: 10

After I got my shower and washed the sweat off of my body, I walked back into my room, and I realized that I should ask Alex for a few spiral notebooks. I grabbed my phone and pulled up his phone number.

-can you get me some spiral notebooks and a speaker?

He didn't respond quickly so I assumed he was busy and decided to go find something to watch on tv. I couldn't really find anything though, so I went back to my phone and saw that Alex had responded.

-yeah no problem, I'll be back in around 30 minutes.

He sent that fifteen minutes ago which means he will be here in fifteen minutes. What to do for fifteen minutes? Not much to do honestly. So instead I just went and laid in my nest while I tried to think of some of my favorite songs, of course that was hard to do considering the constant heat flashes. "I'm home." Quickly I stood up and walked into the living room, I was trying to ignore the pain until I couldn't. I fell onto the floor and clenched my stomach in pain. "Fuck." I heard some rushed walking and then Alex was in front of me. "Are you ok?" I sat there on the floor hyperventilating for a few minutes while he sat there trying to calm me down.

"ugh, it's just getting worse, I want it to go away..." I sat there for a few more seconds contemplating, "no it's fine, I can handle this just, help me up please." Alex stood up and held his hand out to pull me up. I grabbed it and he pulled me up, as soon as I was standing I got another heat flash that made me collapse. Thankfully Alex was there to catch me.

He hurried to carry me to the couch, and sit me down. I hadn't really been vocal with the pain but that last heat flash hurt worse. So when I felt another one coming I grabbed Alex's hand and scrunched my knees up to my chest.

Alex definitely hadn't been expecting it because when what happened surprised him. When the next heat flash started I squeezed his hand until I thought it might break, my legs shot out from my chest and I squirmed as the pain got worse. I was trying not to scream until a I couldn't anymore. The scream was loud and painful, because that's how I felt. Once it was over I was panting again.

Alex had slowly pulled his hand away and reached to one of the walmart bags. He pulled out a stuffed animal, "these things are supposed to be insanely hard to break. I got you one so that my hand won't break and you'll have something to put the pain into." I smiled and nodded before more pain ripped through my body, this time I squeezed the stuffed animals while screaming.

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