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chapter name: prologue

The heat was sweltering, and the fact that there were no trees for shade didn't make it any better. The knives were starting to get sweaty but he wasn't giving up anytime soon, this was a subtle way for him to get his anger out. George slightly reeled back his arm and then slung his painted knife at the target, hitting dead on. He started to walk over and retrieve it but turned his head when he heard yelling from inside, he turned towards the house and saw Tommy and Tubbo running away from a very angry looking Wilbur.

George lightly laughed before pulling the knife from the wooden target and putting it back into the holster, along with the other knives that he had collected over the years. The garage had ac, so it felt nice when he walked in there. Techno was sitting on a couch on the other side of the room, "The new rubber dummy came in, Phil said you should practice on it." George turned to look where Techno pointed and did see a large box sitting propped up against a wall. He unclipped the knife holster from his belt and set it on a counter before walking over to the box that was nearly the size of him.

He tore the cardboard open and pulled out a couple things. The rubber dummy, the stand that had to be filled with sand, and screws to screw the stand to the rubber dummy. Techno helped George put it together and it was done about 5 minutes later. George was gonna sharpen his knives before testing them out so he walked inside to find the flint blade he used for sharpening. When he walked into the kitchen he paid no attention to the two people sitting at the counter top across from where he was, that was until he heard a voice say his name.

"George, I want you to meet someone." George turned around to face Phil, and an unfamiliar face sitting next to him. The face was very foreign, but George could admit that the boy sitting in the chair was undeniably attractive. "Oh, hello. I'm George." The boy smiled and George swore he felt his heart skip a beat. "I'm Clay." Phil smiled at their small introduction and continued to talk. "So George, Clay is also going to be living here, and since we have ran out of room space, we are gonna get you a bunkbed so you two can share. We aren't sure how long Clay will be staying with us but I expect him to know how to do all the yardwork chores by the end of next week. I want you to see how smart he is with math and reading. Don't pressure him though."

George nodded and smiled and Phil turned back to Clay, "Spend the day with George, he doesn't bite, even though sometimes he might act like he will."

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