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-eating disorders
-sh/sh mentions
-panic attack
-toxic ex

Stay safe <3

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George had been engaged to Clay for nearly five months now, dating for 6 years and so far he had been able to hide his Ed. How long has he had one, nearly four years now, it developed when he was living with his step-dad because he would get verbally abused about his weight. He was finally moving in with Clay though, and it caused him a vass amount of fear that his boyfriend might discover his issues. He was currently driving to Clay's house.


George flicked his blinker on and turned onto the street where Clay lived. He took a deep breath as he slowly drove down the road and pulled into the driveway. It was a Victorian style home that Clay's mother had left him in her will. Three stories and a basement, tall columns and a balcony in the front, a vast staircase on the inside, it truly was amazing. Clay had been renovating the house for nearly two years now, he had started at 21, he was now 23 and George was 25.

George stepped out of his Tesla and looked up at the house, god he hoped everything would be ok. He stepped up to the door and knocked, he could hear the noise echo through the house. He heard a distant "I'm coming!" And smiled.

Clay opened the door and George smiled at him, the two interlocked their hands and George stepped inside. Clay smiled and started to lead him into the house.

"So this room is the living room, through this overhang is the kitchen, then to the back is the back porch and yard while on the right is the door to the dining room, the stairs are in the dining room and connected to the dining room and living room is the guest bedroom and bathroom. Come upstairs I wanna show you the gaming room."

The two boys went up the stairs and came to the second floor, Clay began talking again. "Ok, so in here we have our gaming setups, along with a doorway into the den. That's all on this floor because the third floor is amazing." And so they went up again.

"So in here we have our room, a master bathroom and walk-in closet, then the balcony of course and also a smaller sunroom. My favorite thing is that each floor has ceiling to floor windows with beautiful drapes. I think you'll appreciate the beauty."

George smiled and turned to Clay, kissing him quickly and smiling. "Let's get my things from the car?" Clay nodded and began to follow George outside.

- - -

It was now two hours later, George had unpacked all of his things and was finally starting to calm down. Clay was sitting on the bed while George stood in front of one of the windows that faced the rest of the property. Without warning he felt arms wrap around his waist and Clay leaning his head on George's shoulders. George smiled and wrapped his arms around the talkers.

"Georgie, wanna go drink in celebration of you moving in?" George nodded and the two began to walk down to the kitchen.

In the dining room Clay poured two glasses of red whine and handed one to George who was smiling profusely. He was silent for a moment until Clay sat down, George held up his glass. "To us." Clay mimicked him, "To us." Then they both sipped a bit of their wine.

- - -

After two hours, a bottle of wine, and the tension in the room growing tight Clay had finally snapped. He walked away from the table, turning on a stereo that was in the kitchen. He pulled George from his chair and began to sway the both of them with the melody.

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