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chapter name: 5

I thought about Alex's words carefully, "Yeah I'm ok with that. I just want to apologize in advance for being clingy or whatever else I might try, but I think that there should be a safeword, I've read about how after a while an Omega might not be helped by a Beta's scent and they would need an Alpha's scent to help deal with the pain. If I say the safeword I trust you to find a safe, Alpha that is willing to help me in a strictly platonic way." Alex thought about it for a moment, "Yeah, I know someone who I fully trust that would be willing to help if it came to it, what is the safeword gonna be?" I thought about it, for a moment and decided on a word that I wouldn't accidentally say. "I think it should be.......Amethyst. It's a word that I don't say often but I can also remember. Also, if I ever tell you to leave please just do it."

Alex nodded and wrote the word down in his phone. "Ok, I wrote the word down. Also, there is no telling how long your heat will be, it can be anywhere from two or three days to two weeks. So, that's gonna be fun to figure out." I slightly laughed at his words because I could still feel my body getting hotter. It was logical, I had read about it before, sometimes the pain in an omegas first heat could send them into shock and it was necessary to be helped. "Alex, If at some point I genuinely explain to you that I need actual help, then I think it would be better to go through with it. Just, wether it's you or that alpha, please take precaution, I'm a virgin and I do not want kids at this point in my life."

Alex seemed to think about it for a second, "I see what made you think about that, there is a chance that getting help can stop the heat altogether, and you don't want to go into pain shock do you?" I nodded at his words, "Do you think there should be a second word for if I need actual help?" He nodded and I started to think about it. "What about the word, Euphoria." I thought about it and understood his joke, I could only smile. "Yeah Euphoria. I think I'm gonna go take a nap for a little while." Alex nodded and I stood up off of the couch. "Before you sleep you should shower." I was a bit confused until I realized his reasoning. "Yeah, I'll go do that."

I got to my room and closet and realized that sometime during the time we were talking that the people who had went to get all the things from my closet, had been here and put everything back how it had been in my closet, I grabbed a thin shirt and some boxers before walking to my bathroom.

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