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chapter name: Rainz

A/N - the castle above is like the one that George lives in :]

George was the prince in the kingdom of Rainz, third in the lineup of most powerful in the country. Fronted by Tierra, then closely backed by Dunia. In the kingdom, the people spoke the language of the Rain. The castle was built above the clouds, so despite the rain that was always lightly falling on the city, there was no rain on the castle. The royalty of Rainz had power over the rain, and the water. It was truly a power passed down in the pure bloodline.

There were two castles in Rainz, the one of the current, and then the kingdom of the past. A very small amount of people knew about the legend of Azeryth. (However that story shall not be told until later :] )
George was the soon to be ruler of his kingdom, but he wasn't married, which wouldn't do, however, he was told that a prince from Tierra would be coming and making rounds, seeing who he would want to marry, and then rule alongside a husband. It didn't seem like a bad idea to George, but his parents didn't like the idea of their only son marrying a male, because it meant that the bloodline would discontinue.

George hated the way his parents acted, and the town could tell. The rain had been heavy and no stopping for three days now, all because of George's mood. He had gotten many letters from his people asking if he was ok, and saying they hope he gets better. If only they knew.

The only joy that George had in his castle was the library, which was where he was now. George had been in the library all day, with little to nothing to bore him. He couldn't be bored in a library. There was to much to read, and there was so much time to get lost in his thoughts as well. He had been nose deep into a Greek mythology book when his mother, Queen Haley, had walked into the room. "George, come to the dining room for dinner." He marked his page in his book, set it down and started to walk to the dining room with his mother.

In the dining room, George sat down at his usual spot, with his father at the head of the table, and his mother at the foot. The food had yet to be brought out when George's father, King Abram, started to speak. "The prince of Tierra will be coming to our kingdom in three days time, he will be staying for a week. make it clear you will not be marrying him." George could tell his father was looking at his sternly, but he simply nodded and agreed with his father, not having the energy to argue.

After dinner George went back to the library, and kept reading, even as the sun set and the candles around the room grew their shadow's casted by the moon.

503 words

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