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Book name: The Whispering Window
Ship: none
Cover: [not found]
Chapter name: letters

It was nearly seven at night and all five of the boys were still awake, not an ounce of sleep in their vanes. They were waiting. It would be their fifth year back at Hogwarts, and they were waiting for their letters again. Everyone was calm, knowing they would come, so they decided to have a sleepover at Wilbur's house, to get their letters together. Tommy had been the first to arrive, Wilbur could hear him from a mile away. Next to arrive was Tubbo, then Techno, and lastly Phil. They had all been catching up and having fun as friends when a tapping was heard on glass.

Tommy ran to the window and quickly unlocked it. An owl flew in and five letters were released from it's left leg. Wilbur gave it a mouse before it left again. Each of the boys read over their letters, all smiling. Tommy started laughing, "Let's go baby they have to deal with us for another year!" that got everyone laughing. Wilbur had been reading over the supplies list. "Oh, that's a first, new robes, they're required. Oh, the design has changed?" Wilbur's mother had been sitting on the couch nearby them, "Oh, I'll put in a custom order, so they can be made when we go shopping."

She summoned a piece of paper and a quill. She muttered as she wrote her letter. Then she left it on the table to go find a wax stamp. Techno went over and read it, because he had been curious. He didn't want to read all of it, and got bored quickly, so he went back to his friends. As soon as Wilbur's mother had left she had returned. "One by one, all of you come write your house and sign, so she can sew in your names."

Wilbur was first, he signed with 'Hufflepuff' by his name. Next was Techno, he sighed his name, writing, 'Slytherin' by it. After him was Philza, who had signed by 'Hufflepuff'. Then was Tommy, who signed by 'Gryffindor'. Lastly was Tubbo, who signed his name and wrote 'Ravenclaw' by it, which was very neat compared to the rest of them. Wilbur's mother smiled at the paper and sealed it with a wax stamp, she left it on the table, deciding to owl it in the morning, once her owl had rested. The boys were sitting in a circle on the floor. Wilbur coughed, "Ok, well we only have about a week until it will be time for us to go to Hogwarts again."

(Quick thing, wilbur - w / philza - p / Tommy - I (Innit) / Tubbo - T / Techno - B (blade))

T - "Yeah, I wonder if we're going to have any new teachers?"

B - "Why would we have a new teacher?"

P - "I get where he's coming from, a few of the teachers last year said that they were getting tired of the rowdy students." He made a pointed look towards Tommy.

I - "Hey it's not my fault that the potion was 'OnE sHaDe OfF' teacher just hates Gryffindors."

That made everyone laugh, Wilbur was talking next.

W - "Maybe we can get a new female teacher, haven't had one of those in a while."

I - "Oh she would feel the wrath of TOMMY!"

T - "I can be your lawyer in court."

Then the two of them practiced their lines for court when they would be arrested for high annoyance. Philza just looked at them, confusion as to how some people could always have so much energy. Techno and Wilbur had started to talk to each other about who they though would be the new prefects, and Head students. They all slept happily that night, knowing that they would soon be back to the wonderful land, of Hogwarts.

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