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George was standing in the parking lot facing Clay. It was raining and dark outside, which was perfect because Clay couldn't see the tears steadily flowing down his face. Clay was still silent.

"'re a real bitch Clay."

Clay didn't react, he just stared, expressionless.

"I fucking loved you yknow, things were getting better for the both of us and then you had to go and bring it up. THE ONE FUCKING THING CLAY WAS IT REALLY THAT HARD?!" George pinched the bridge of his nose and the rain began to lighten up.

"Out of all the shit we both hide you had to bring that up, really? What the hell is wrong with you?! Sometimes I wish I had just kept my mouth shut about it, maybe we wouldn't be here then, maybe I wouldn't be here then."

That finally broke Clay. George saw his blank face start to fall, his eyes widened with realization...Clay stared at george then at the ground as he started to cry. George just stood there watching his now ex-boyfriend cave in on himself.

Clay then quickly stood up and walked closer to George only five feet away. "George I-I I've been so confused about why we've been tense for the past few weeks, I thought you had figured me know about my old habits...addictions. I relapsed, and I thought you figured out I relapsed. I had no idea I brought that up to you, or called you what I'm really hoping I didn't. I relapsed, you can call Nick if you need to check, I crashed at his place that night."

"I don't expect you to forgive me for this, but know I would never say something like that sober. I truly am sorry."

George's hand was covering his mouth. "Y-you relapsed?" Clay's face flushed with shame and his gaze sought anywhere but George's eyes. "I-I didn't even fathom that something had happened to you to cause that. I didn't even notice you weren't sober. Holy shit."

The both stood there for a few more minutes until George walked up to Clay and like always they hugged, tightly, communicating forgiveness and an agreement to work this out. They pulled apart and speechlessly George followed Clay to his car, and they drove back to their apartment.

When they got inside and out of their wet clothes Clay sat George down at the table and looked at him dead in the face. They looked at each other for a moment, and Clay started talking.

"I was in a bar that night, bored because you were at a friends for the time being, I saw a guy drug a girls drink. I snagged it before she drank it and dumped it out, she thanked me and said she can hook me up with some stuff, turns out she knew who I was from the old bar. She gave me a bag and left. I wanted to throw it away I really did, but I don't even know what happened but I did it again."

He took a breath, "I remember vaguely coming here, then I woke up at Nicks the next day and even he seemed a bit pissed at me. I thought for a while recently that you knew I relapsed and were mad at me for it. George, what did I say to you?"

George finally looked up, "well you came home, I had no idea you were high. I was really happy and apparently that made you mad, I had made some sweet popcorn and had a movie and everything ready, you got mad. Called me a kid and childish for having all of this set up, then you threw the bowl of popcorn on the floor and yelled at me." George was starting to take more breaths and stutter, Clay held his hand as a comfort, so George took a deep breath, smiled and continued.

"You said all that sugar gives you acne and that I'll end up a fatass if I kept eating like that. I snapped got mad and kicked you out, but I did call Nick and got him to let you crash there, after explaining of course."

Clay felt horrible. "Did...did you binge?" George looked down at the ground and pulled his hand away from Clay's. "yeah...I didn't eat for three days after. I still can't even handle a sandwich." Clay stood up and grabbed George's hand, leading him to their room, he pulled the older into the bed and laid down cuddling him. "I'm sorry George, but like we've always said, we are the solutions to each other's problems, we just have to learn how to make it happen."

George smiled and cuddled into Clay's chest, "I love you Clay."

"I love you too George."

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