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chapter name: 1

George was getting out of his car and grabbing his bag form the backseat. He knew not to forget it anymore because the one time he did his friends didn't wait for him and told the teacher that he was trying to skip class, they thought it was funny. George didn't.

He walked into the school and got looks from people standing by their lockers, but none of them tried to make eye contact. See, George was known well in this school, unlike all of his toxic, petty friends, George could stand up and fend for himself. One time when he was a freshman a senior tried to come up and fight him, George won in about three minutes. That's why he was friends with the toxic cats anyway, they wanted him as protection.

He walked over to his locker and could already hear his 'friends' walking over to him. They didn't talk to him, but since they were there he was still expected to listen to them. He didn't care today though, he wasn't in a good mood. George put his things away into the locker and took his phone from his pocket. He took his AirPods and connected them. He started a random YouTube playlist and started to walk away until he felt someone grab his shoulder. He took one of his AirPods around and turned to face the person behind him.

It was Adrian. "Where you going Georgie?" George scoffed and shoved the other's arm off of him. "Away from your petty ass." Adrian deadpanned and just shrugged, "I was gonna say Talen is looking for you." George pretended to act happy, "Oh yay, Talen! The asshole you want me to be with so you can screw his sister." George was now staring at Adrian with such a deep hatred, if only looks could kill. Adrian didn't back down, "Don't forget what I know about you." George just scoffed, "Fuck you Adrian."

Then George decided to do something that he wouldn't regret. He raised his voice and people started to pay attention to the commotion, "Yeah Adrian and guess what your 'leverage' is? The fact that I'm a pure blood! That's bull shit and you think everyone would care. Well guess what, you're just a toxic piece of shit anyway." George walked by and scratched his arm, hard. He quickly got his things from his locker and went back out to the parking lot. George got in his car and started it, not caring about the people staring.

He drove home fast and took his things inside. He didn't live with anyone but himself, and he didn't have many things either. He did actually live with his dad, but he hated George and always told him to leave, so that's what he was doing now. George knew where his mom lived, two hours away. He got all his things into his car and started the drive. He got his things situated along with his cat, Kat. George connected his phone to the Bluetooth and started to play some music. The first song that came on was 'All For Us' by Zendaya. He loved this song.

The ride didn't take as long as he thought it would, but that was thanks to the music he blared. He pulled into his mom's driveway and parked his car. He grabbed Kat and walked to the front door. He knocked twice and waited. The door opened a moment later and then George and his mom were hugging. She ushered him inside and brought him to sit on the couch. "Why are you here George?" He didn't hold back. "I was tired of the people in my school, and dad didn't want me there either, so I got my stuff and left. I want to transfer to a school over here." His mom sat in silence.

"I've been waiting for this to happen, I have all the paperwork in and everything. All I have to do is write down dates, and bring the work to the school. You just have to tell the custody judge that you want to move in here for good with no visits, and you can do that over the phone. There is one thing though George. The only schools around here are mainly dogs and some rare breeds, I don't know if there is a cat in this town." George shrugged, "Most cats are toxic and mean anyway."

George's mom didn't say anything, because deep down, despite her wanting to comfort her child, she knew that he was right. Most cats weren't trusted, hence why her and George's father fell out. She didn't really have anything to say to him so instead she changed the topic. George heard his mother sigh before he looked up to see her trying to smile for him. "We can go shopping if you want, most of the people at the school are nice yes, but you wouldn't be to popular wearing the usual from your old school." George didn't say anything and silently followed his mother up the stairs. He knew where they were going.

She led him to room that George hadn't seen in years. He walked in there and did a small circle, feeling some of the highly built tension leaving his body as some memories flooded his mind. He was reminded of a specific person from his childhood. "Mom, is Clay still in this district?" She just smiled and nodded, and now George was even happier, because Clay was his best friend. Though when George was forced to live with his dad for a little while, him and Clay grew apart, he wondered if they might become friends again.

Then he reminded himself with his one rule, there is no reason to ponder on the past, it already happened and can't be undone now. George didn't know what would happen though, and he decided no to think on it for any longer, because he knew that it would be back to bother him later that night either way.

George's mom let him change out of the clothes he was currently in, while she waited patiently outside his door. She could still remember the last day George was here, it had been a great weekend, they had so much fun together. But as always 'all good things have to come to an end' and they did. George didn't come back for the next visit, or the one after that, and so on. George's mom hadn't seen him since the middle of the previous year, but she knew not to bring that up now, since an emotional cat being, provoked, wouldn't help either of them.

When George came out of his room, she didn't meet his eyes, she still felt bad about what had happened all those years ago, yet she couldn't bring herself to apologize for it. So instead, she simply hummed and walked down the stairs.

George watched his mother avoid a conversation, yet again. He didn't say anything though, he knew what would happen if a cat was mad, much less two of them who would have to deal with it eventually. They didn't say a word to each other until they were both staring ahead at the road on the way to the mall, it was only a few words, but they meant a lot to the both of them.

George had said it, just loud enough. "I missed you."

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