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Chapter name: Diagonal Alley

Wilbur was woken up by his shoulders being shook, roughly. It was Tommy. "GET UP YOU LOUSE WERE GOING TO DIAGON ALLEY!" Wilbur groggily rubbed his eyes and Tommy went somewhere else. He turned to his left and saw that Techno was also still asleep, "Techno, get up we have to leave soon." Techno mumbled a bit and then turned to face Wilbur, still asleep, he was still mumbling. "Techno Blade never dies." Wilbur just started laughing, until a few minutes later he actually woke Techno up. They got ready and waited with everyone else downstairs, until Wilbur's mom came down there. "Everyone, we will be going by Floo, since it saves us time. Also you will all be staying with us until it's time to leave off for Hogwarts, I talked to all of your parents and they said it would be fine."

The joy in the air some how seemed to swell when she said that. Then they all lined up by the Floo, and one by one, went to Diagon Alley. Once Wilbur's mother had brushed some powder off of her clothes she looked at them. "Ok, I will be going to get all of your books, you go get your new robes, quills, those kind of things, then meet me by the animal shop. She smiled and handed them all a bag. Each bag had a few Galleons in it from their parents. Once she was sure that they had what they needed she turned left, and walked away, towards one of the many bookstores in the Alleyway.

Philza took the lead of the five boys and started to walk towards the Robe shop, the one where they had placed their orders a day prior. He walked in and a lady at a desk looked up, "Anything I could help you with?" He nodded. "Actually, yes there is. Me and my friends here all ordered our new robes. We were wondering if we could get them?" She smiled and got out a piece of paper. "Names?" "Philza, Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo." She scanned down the list marking out a name here and there. "Ok I will be right back." then she left, and returned a moment later.

In her hands was one big box. "They should all be in here." She handed Philza the box and waved them goodbye, as they left the shop. As soon as they had left Philza muttered a charm to make the box lighter. Sighing in relief when it lost it's weight. "Ok, we all need new quills and we can just look around the shop for things." Everyone seemed to agree, so they left for their new destination. Arriving only a few moments later they all wandered off into different directions.

Nearly an hour later Tommy walked out of the shop and all of the boys compared to what the other's had bought. Tommy had bought a false wand, in case someone tried to take his, which happened a lot for him. Tubbo had bought a new notebook. Techno had gotten a silk pillowcase, for reasons he denied to confirm. Philza, had gotten a few interesting quills. Wilbur had gotten snap clips. They were little clips that could be left anywhere and set off when a specific word was said to scare or distract someone. They all had plans in mind for how to use them.

Twenty minutes after they had left the shop they met Wilbur's mother outside of the pet shop. Hogwarts had changed their pet policy once they rebuilt, they had made more animal based areas on their grounds. Now they were allowing pets such dogs, cats, ferrets, snakes, rats, owls, crows, and many others. However only students that were above second year were allowed to have pets. All of the boys decided to wait until fourth year to get pets, that happened to be this year.

(There will be multiple POVS as each character chooses their new pet )

Tubbo walked into the store and heard many different noises. He knew for a fact that he would not be getting a snake or rat, so he steered towards the other side of the store. The animals that were around him now were the dogs and cats, they were bigger needier animals. He continued to look around at the different animals until he saw it. There sitting in a cage full of running ferrets sat a calm one. He was laying over a bar, like a snake, watching his friends as they ran around the cages. Tubbo walked up to it. The Ferret in question was a dark brown color, with small freckle like white spots on his face and snout. Tubbo knew that this was going to be his animal. He went up to the store owner and he got to hold his pet, which was very calm in his hands. "I think his name will be Peanut Butter."

As the door opened wide in front of him, Techno sighed at the loud noises coming from inside. He knew he didn't want an animal that was loud. He stood clear of the owls, dogs, cats, and ferrets. Eventually he made his way to the reptile area. There were lizards and snakes mainly. He saw one snake it was very pretty. The snake was mainly white, but it had a red head, and a few red patterns running down its body. It was just laying on a heating pad, watching with reflective black eyes. Techno knew that he wanted this snake. The person handling the reptiles came over and got the snake out of the cage. The snake was set on Techno's arm, and he liked the feeling of the scales. The snake loosely wrapped around his wrist and rested it's head in his open palm. He decided to name her, Cherry.

Wilbur had parted with his friends and made a beeline for the area full of cats. There were so many different cats everywhere. He came among one kitten who was laying on a patch of carpet were the sun had been. The cat was a blue ragdoll. Normally the breed in general had long white fur that turned gray near the triangular muzzle and then had blue eyes. However this cat looked different. It's fur seemed reversed, the cat was mainly gray, all except for it's face and muzzle. The eyes on the cat were also a deep blue rather than a light blue, but Wilbur thought the fur pattern was beautiful. He picked her up and she quickly took a liking to him, he decided on naming her misty.

Tommy had also left all his friends and made his way to where all of the dogs were. Many of them were in singular cages that were inwardly expanded. Though the pups were in a glass display area for customers to see them. All the pups were running, chasing the fastest one. As it ran it's track around the circular enclosure Tommy reached in and picked up the pup. It kept running for a moment before realized that it had been hoisted into the air. it barked but it seemed to be barking at Tommy, not the fact he had been taken from his play time. Tommy knew that this pup was the most outgoing of it's letter and decided to get him. The dog was a dark rich black and had light blue, almost white eyes. He named it, Rustly.

The person who was last to enter the crowded shop was Philza. He knew that he wanted a bird. Not a four legged animal. He made his was to the bird room and realized that they had more than simply owls, that made him happy. A small bird had somehow gotten lose in the room and quickly flew over to the new person. He held his hand up and the bird perched. The bird was maybe six or seven inches big. it had a white face and chest but its wings and tail were a mix between violet and forest green, it was a beautiful bird. The bird hopped on Philza's hand and chirped as he looked at it. He didn't want to look at other birds since he had found the one he wanted. He named her Fern, and they went to meet everyone else.

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