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out of all the people in his fucking life why did Dream have to be on his mind. it's total bullshit honestly. Techno hadn't been able to go a day alone since that encounter. two weeks ago there was a nationwide christmas party, Techno went to see his family and other people he knew. Of course Dream ended up drunk and someone pushed them under the mistletoe.

that damn kiss, it ruined everything! he would kill the guy who pushed them under there, if he knew who did it. anyway, since then people have totally left him alone. so now here techno is, at 11am, alone, on christmas morning. normally he would wake up with tea or something, but he wasn't in the correct mindset. so when a bottle of wine introduced itself on the kitchen counter, he didn't have much restraint.

Techno was sitting on the floor in front of his couch, in a thin white shirt, and some loose shorts and tall socks. His long, pink, silklike hair was down and resting on the floor, it was very long. he had his gold wire glasses on and a glass of wine in his hand as he stared at his christmas tree and fireplace. nobody, not wilbur, phil, tommy, tubbo, or even ranboo had bothered to come and talk to him since the party. yes he had gotten a bit mad after the kiss and he may or may not have lashed out, but that didn't mean he didn't feel hurt.

because in all honesty, technos heart hurt at the fact that nobody cared to come see him, on one of the most family based holidays in the year. he wasn't mad, or confused, just hurt, and a bit disappointed. he wouldn't confront anyone about it either, he wasn't that kind of person. if someone asked he would talk, but if we haven't noticed, there's nobody to ask him anyway. the last time techno had spent christmas alone was directly after a war, everyone was celebrating, but technos brother had died so everyone respectfully left him to mourn. he didn't blame his other brothers or father about not coming to visit, they were all torn over the incident.

Techno had a quick weak smile on his face, even his dead, DEAD... brother couldn't find the time to come visit him. this year techno had even gone out of his way to get everyone personalized presents he thought they would enjoy. it honestly hurt him somewhere deep inside to know that nobody cared.

the real question is what was he gonna do about it. nothing. well except for one thing- get blackout drunk.


two hours later techno had reached his goal, kinda. Technos body being not fully human wouldn't allow him to get blackout drunk. however, techno couldn't really feel his heart aching.

he walked from his kitchen to the bathroom, and he looked at himself in the mirror. he hated what he did, why get drunk over stupid fucking emotions?! he went to his room and downed a reversing potion. he waited a moment and felt better as the alcohol symptoms subsided and then disappeared. he threw the bottle back into the chest and walked downstairs to his christmas tree again. he counted the presents he had delicately laid out, 15. phil, tommy, tubbo, wilbur, ranboo, fundy, dream, quackity, schlatt, carl, and many others on the smp. he almost felt like crying.

for once techno felt truly... dejected by the ones he loved and cherished. being drunk was definitely not a good way to handle it. techno hadn't felt this emotion before, it was eating away at his insides with a paralyzing coldness. though at the same time he could feel his fingertips and face burning, like he had no reason to feel the way he did. before techno could stop himself he started to delicately open the presents he had picked for everyone.

the feeling growing stronger in his chest as he continued. he got down to the one present he despised opening. it was Dream's present. a letter. it was a letter about a couple things, their fun times together, an apology for kissing dream while drunk, but the main thing was his confession, and the fears that has been hidden for years. he wanted to throw it into the crackling fireplace, but he knew there was atleast two copies upstairs with the same thing written on them.

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