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written: 6-27-2021
title: tied up
ship: dnf
type: description and chapter
cover: [not found]

book description:

dream, the son of a shady wealthy businessman

george, a world known mafia kidnapper

(also this is still a dream top book)

book prologue:

George had just walked into Nick's office building. He had no need to swipe a security card, he was widely known in the mafia world, all for his work. And of course he took pride in this. He was wearing right now a dark blue turtle neck, he had black jeans with a black jacket slung over his shoulder. He had chains on his neck and belt loops, he wore rings and had a few piercings, his favorite being the septum on his nose. His hair was a bit wet from being outside but was otherwise slicked back and still partially in place.

George stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the second to top floor. When the doors opened he walked into a small hallway with one door, he scanned his handprint and once he heard the authorizing ding he slid his fingers into his hair, he knew he was tense. When the heavy metal door slid open he walked inside, frowning when Nick didn't look up to see who entered. George huffed and tossed his jacket onto a chair by the door and he walked over to the desk. When Nick still didn't look up he slammed his hands onto the desk. George was fuming.

"Where's my fucking money Nicholas!? I did the job I expect my washback! ON TIME!" Nick glanced up at George and then back at his desk, he capped his pen and stood up. He reached into a drawer in a file cabinet behind him. He took out a gun and a key on a chain. "Take the gun for your next job, your key opens a safe in the vault on the third basement floor. 1.7 million, in cash." George took the key and the gun, sliding the gun into it's holster on his hip. "What's the next job?"

Nick grabbed another file from the cabinet and sat down, motioning for George to sit as well. Nick opened the file. "Big time CEO, a loan shark in a way, a client wants his son taken hostage until he pays up, or until he has 'learned a lesson.' He's willing to pay 50 million the spot and the rest after it's done." George grabbed the file and and flipped through it, the guy owned a few businesses, had some high security but his son was in Polis. "When's the date?" Nick sighed, "He wants him caught two friday's from now." George sighed and closed the file, "I'll do it, set a meeting for us tomorrow, I can get details then, 9:30 if you can, if not let me know."

George then set the file back down and walked toward the main door, he grabbed his jacket and left. Now, George had no problem nabbing people, the problem is that the world is nothing like you'd imagine. There are only two cities in the world that have functionality. Polis, and Rulis. Polis is farmland, kind people, and sun for days. Rulis is goverment, law, jobs, and science. The cities have a peace law. Polis provides Rulis with food and raise their young, while Rulis provides Polis protection from Zins and pays them for their crop.

The two cities are respected, all their people are chipped. When kids are born, they are tested if the family can afford it, but either way they are chipped in the back of their neck, it proves that they are pureblood. There was a third city, Aris. Aris was the city for those who rebelled, but then Aris 'fell' as far as Polis and Rulis were concerned. Though, Aris didn't really fall, yes the zombies called Zins broke past their walls. But there are still people who live there, they make a living by doing odd jobs, they are mostly trying to make enough money to buy their citizenship with the black market, or mafia.

George is a blue-blood though. He is fully immune to the sickness that Zins carry and spread. He is worth a lot of money, but there is only a small amount of people who even know that he is immune. He knew how to hold his money, how to earn it, how to fight, how to stay hidden, and so on. George still cared though, he helped the young people in his community, because despite Aris being the city where people rebbeled, they had reason. George is alone, he has no family and no lover, he refuses to get hurt so he simply has friends.

Aris was inbetween the cities of Rulis and Polis, it was a checkpoint for communication, but when they were overthrown, the remaining cities made underground transportation. The people of Polis and Rulis never checked on the Aris, they assumed it was a pile of rubble, and while that was true, their walls were still up, and the city was almost entirely Zin free. George was kinda a leader in Aris, the people respected them and defended his name, and in return he helped them stay alive by telling people Aris was gone, and that the people were all insane. Nobody had ever cared enough to check. Little did the people of Polis and Rulis know, Aris had amazing views that were seen nowhere else, and the radiation for miles outside of the city walls was simply, gone. Nature had started to rebel and grow back, it was beautiful to see.

Right now George was in Rulis, he would have to stay in the city for the night, and leave for Aris after his meeting. He would pack and leave Aris to go straight to Polis. He would take the CEO's son from Polis, and bring him back to Aris, or wherever the client wanted him to be

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