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written: 5-13-2021
book title: Just trying to survive-ish
ships: schlattbur
type: chapters
cover: [not found]

chapter name: 1

Schlatt has been in the institute, for an irrational amount of time. Now, he didn't mind it here, and wasn't opposed to staying there, but even he knew that he would need some outside experience sooner or later. Though, he was glad that he had some friends on the inside of this place. Schlatt was well known along many of the occupants inside the walls of the stone building. The institute was a place of research of the odd occurrences that some humans had. Anything you could think of, was there at any given time and was currently under study.

Now the people being studied, had the choice to be here, and it was a choice that most of them made. The tests were humane, and the residents were actually treated well. The residents were tested until they turned 24, then they were released into the world, if they wanted to leave that is. Now, Schlatt had just turned 19, and wherever the institute was, that was a law for legal consent. He didn't care, it didn't affect him.

Schlatt had been in the institute since he was 6, that was when his horns started to grow. Somewhere, in their bloodline, somebody had the blood of the ram, and it showed in him. He had the horns of a ram, they were growing and slowly curling around the sides of his head. At the moment, they were pointed forward, so if he head butted something, it would break the object. The scientists in the Institute had found files on other animal hybrids from the past, and they realized that Schlatt may be able to change into an actually ram. It would be interesting, but the only way they knew he would be able to change was by two things.

1. They forced him (which was horrible, even in their eyes)
2. His emotions got out of check (specifically anger)

Now, normally they would have been able to see someone like him, considering he got mad easily, transform by now. Though, he would always get so close, and then he would vanish. Like, teleport, back to his room. The scientist had gotten used to this and taught him how to harness this power, so now he could teleport wether he was mad or not. There was a privacy rule for scientist to not go into the residents rooms if they were of age, or if they didn't have actual reason to.

The researchers and health care workers didn't know that Schlatt knew how to transform into his ram self, he didn't show it to them because he knew that he was extremely violent, and couldn't change back until he was calm again. Which could take a long time. Schlatt had friends where he was, but not to many. He didn't trust people easily, and even when he did have friends, he didn't have any 'close friends' or people he would actually try to spend time with, even if it took him out of his way, While this was a way for him to isolate himself, our was concerning the doctors, who didn't know his reasons for these actions.

Though, there wasn't much they could do considering he was legally of age and they didn't have custody of him anymore. So when they had a new patient, who was bound to become Schlatt's new roommate, they were unsure of how to feel.


Wilbur walked into the institute slowly, he was wearing shoes that had soles of lead, so he stayed on the floor. If he didn't wear them, he would float, sometimes just slightly off the ground, but other times he would just go, well, up. The shoes were heavy, but he was used to it. One thing that also happened to Wilbur randomly, he would get cold chills, and then his entire body would become slightly transparent, and his eyes would change color. The doctor leading him into the Institute had told him that he would be sharing a room with someone, but the doctor didn't give him any information about said person.

Wilbur was happy to not be alone, but he hoped whoever he roomed with would be able to put up with him. Wilbur knew he was difficult, not many people liked his personality, or the fact that he could never seem to get his mind straight, or get a full sentence or thought out. The guard that was walking with him stopped in front of a door. "Ok wilbur, this is where you're going to be staying, i'm not sure if you're roommate is in there at the moment, but if he isn't then he will be soon. The door to the left leads to your room." He pulled up on the handle and opened the door, letting Wilbur walk into the room. He heard the door click behind him and let out a breath of relief to be alone.

He walked over to the couch in the small living room area, sitting down with a huff. He could see fur on the couch, and wondered if the other person had a pet. Wilbur reached down do his lead souled shoes and undid the metal clips that held them onto his feet. He pulled his feet from the shoes and left them there, knowing they were quite heavy to pick up. Wilbur stood up and started to float, but it wasn't bad, he was barely a foot above the ground. He moved in the direction toward his room, opening the door and floating in.

He looked around the room and saw that it had already been customized, it was decorated exactly like his old room. A bed with black and white sheets in the corner, a window seat, his floor desk with his computer, notebooks, phone, ipad, and other electronics. He had a beanbag and pillows on the floor with his desk. He had his light up clock on the wall and a t.v. on the wall across from the bed. The roof had led lights and there was his iconic WilburSoot sign hanging above his head. He saw that all of his clothes were in his closet, and his guitar and other smaller instruments were on their stands on the other side of the room. Despite all the things and the small floor space the room still seemed pretty big. There was also a door that led to a connected bathroom with his roommate.

He heard the main door open and a person walk in, he was about to walk into the living room area until he heard their voice. It didn't sound to happy. "What the fuck, whose shoes are these?!" Wilbur floated up quickly and hit the roof with a thud. It hurt his head alot and tears pricked the corner of his eyes. When he focused on the pain he fell back to the floor with another thud. "Ow." He felt the first tear fall down his cheek and then the door quickly opened. He was hit with a wave of rage from this person and his mind quickly shut off all noise around them. He couldn't open his eyes due to the pain.

A second later he felt the rage subside and returned the noise. The person in front of him kneeled down and looked at him. The guy had dark brown curly hair with side cuts, he was the height of Wilbur, probably a bit shorter. His eyes were a dark blue and they curiously met Wilbur's dark green eyes. "Hi, are you ok?" Wilbur quickly wiped his tears and cleared his throat, "yeah, sorry about that. I'm Wilbur." The other guy smiled, "I'm Schlatt, here let me help you up." He reached his hand out for Wilbur to grab, as soon as he stood back up he floated up a foot into the air.

"Oh yeah, I float." Schlatt didn't say anything for a moment, until he vanished, when Wilbur heard his voice again, it was further away, "I teleport. Did you modify sound a moment ago." Wilbur floated into the living room, where Schlatt was laying across the couch. "Yeah, I can sense the emotions of other people, and I thought you were about to yell, so I hushed all the sound for a few seconds, until you calmed down. I saw fur on the couch, do you have a pet?" Schlatt laughed for a moment before standing up and walking over to Wilbur, he did have to look up to make eye contact with the floating boy.

Schlatt grabbed Wilbur's hand and raised it up to the ram horns coming out of his head. "I'm a ram Wilbur, how did you miss the obvious horns?" It was more of a rhetorical question so Wilbur just shrugged, he pressed the palm of his hand into the tips of the horns and Schlatt backed up, "Don't do that, you could cut your hand, they're sharp." Wilbur looked at the floor for a moment, before floating back down and standing on his feet. "Sorry, anyway...how long have you been here?" Schlatt thought to himself for a moment.

Do I really trust, him. I haven't told anyone about me, only the doctors have my file. He seems pretty trustworthy, and I feel bad for almost yelling at him earlier. Yeah, why not...

Schlatt took a breath before motioning for Wilbur to sit on the couch, then he began to talk.

When he had explained everything Wilbur sat there for a moment taking it all into consideration. Then he reached forward and hugged Schlatt, and surprisingly the boy hugged back, Wilbur almost melted into the heat radiation off the boy's body. He pulled away a moment later to see Schlatt smiling at him. He found it warming up his hands, he was happy to help the other male across from him smiling.

Schlatt looked at the shoes, "Why the shoes?" Wilbur looked at his lead souled shoes and then back at the ram-boy. "Well, somehow, my body can float, and also become transparent at times. Those shoes are heavy enough to keep me on the ground. The thuds you heard earlier were because I rose up to the ceiling and then I fell." Schlatt slowly nodded.

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