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Chapter name: Chapter 1

It was the second Friday back to school. It was also gonna be the biggest party of the year, considering it was the first one, and that Dream is throwing it. Yes there were parties over the summer, but the ones during school were always more fun, because drinking could easily relieve the stress of drama, testing, and everything else that highschool negatively offered to it's students.

-Nick's POV-

Nick had just sat down at the lunch table, in his respected spot. He was on the left of George and Dream, but all the people around him were starting to make him feel a bit crowded, he could feel his anxiety rising, so he leaned over to Dream who was next to him. "There are to many people here." Dream was gonna say something back but Nick left before he could. He threw his lunch, a now empty soda can, into the garbage and started to speed walk down the hall. While he was walking he accidentally ran into someone. He didn't say anything just simply backed up and the realization that his breathing was unsteady was now right on him.

The person he ran into didn't leave, actually they took Nick's hands and brought him by the lockers to sit down. He could feel his senses being overloaded, hearing the people talking in the cafeteria, the taste of his lingering soda, the feeling of his hands becoming hot, the feeling of the cold tile, and his vision blurring as his breathing kept speeding up. Though, the person infront of him just took his hands and then Nick felt the contact of someone else's skin on his. The person started to hum, and eventually Nick was beginning to calm down.

The person didn't leave until Nick could see again and his breathing had calmed down. When Nick finally calmed down he slowly looked up to see who had sat down and helped him. The boy sitting across from him had his legs crossed, you could tell he was lanky. He had black jeans, a yellow sweater that was to big, curly brown hair that fell to his eyes, silver circular glasses, and a lopsided smile that made Nick's stomach turn. "Are you ok?" He had a deep voice laced with a thick British accent and concern. "My brother has overstimulation panics sometimes, so I knew how to help." Nick seemed to get his voice back now.

"Yeah I'm ok, thank you for helping me." The boy smiled, "No problem, but I do have a class to get to, will you be at Dream's party tonight?" Nick just nodded, "I'll be there." The boy nodded and smiled before standing up to leave. Nick jumped up and grabbed his is wrist though, "My names Nick." The boy laughed, and Nick almost fainted right then at the angelic noise, "I'm Wilbur."

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