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written: 7-6-2021
title: pink money
ship: dreamnoblade
type: description and chapter
cover: [not found]

book description:

Techno needs someone to help him appear accepted to his high corporate status. That means having someone that waits on you 24/7, a date to put it simply. Though he doesn't bond with people well so he found it easier to hire someone. His brother Wilbur had a recommendation of who to hire, a kid by the name of Dream.

book prologue:

Techno was on the phone with Wilbur while sitting on his couch. "Wilbur I trust you to find me someone but not a stripper or something, you know what i'd prefer with a fake love interest." The other side of the line was silent for a moment. "Yeah, I know Techno, I'm actually driving right now to go get the guy so can I call you when I'm not driving?" Techno didn't want his brother getting hurt. "yeah that's fine just let me know when you're on the way back." He heard a distracted him and then hung up the phone.

Techno sat up off his couch and decided to go find something nice to wear, he had a half gala to go to this evening and how Dream behaved would decide whether he would get the job or not. Because if Dream found a way to do something out of the rules then there would definitely be consequences.

He had no plan for those said 'consequences' but he wasn't cruel, or a perv. Techno decided that he would definitely need to get something to drink before this. He had no idea who Dream is, how old they were what they looked like or so on. Wilbur hadn't told him anything in advance but truth be told he couldn't get mad, his request was very last minute. Once Techno found his way down the stairs and into the kitchen, he chugged a cold water bottle from the fridge and walked back upstairs to his room.

Techno didn't think that the 'party' he was going to had a dress code so he chose something simple to wear. This included a pig's mask and a nice gold watch. Techno only wore proper suits if he had to, normally he wore the under blazer and white shirt under it. That or he had his own style of clothes that he would wear. One of the perks of living alone, was that he could change wherever he wanted, like right now, in his room, with the door open. He decided not to wear his mask yet, but to instead to something about his hair.

He opened a drawer and pulled out a brush, quickly running it through his long, pink hair. It was nearly to his mid thighs, and he had no intent of cutting it anytime soon. Right when Techno set the brush back down his phone started to ring. He went and got it from it's spot on the bed and answered It after seeing Wilbur's name flash across the screen. "Hey Will, are you guys almost here?" There was silence on the other end and then he heard a car door slamming. "Come open the front door please." The line went dead after that.

Techno sighed at his brother's suddeness but none the less grabbed a hair tie and started to walk to the front door. He opened it and let the two boys walk inside, as soon as the door was shut his hands were in his hair, beginning to braid the long monstrosity. Wilbur was watching calmly, silently. "You got it?" Techno huffed and started to walk to the kitchen, Dream had to stifle his small laugh. The silence momentarily returned until Techno turned back to face Wilbur. "You're annoying y'know?" He quickly freed his hands from his hair, Dream assumed he gave up on it.

"Anyway," Wilbur started. "Techno, this is Dream, same vice versa. I'll be leaving for now and I'll bring Dream home after the gathering. Have fun getting to know each other." Wilbur stood for a moment and looked between Dream and Techno before starting to hum and walking out of the door.

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