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chapter name: 3.


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When Nick walked back over to me I think he could sense my change in mood, I could sense his confusion but wasn't in the mood to try and explain it to him so I just smiled and motioned towards George and Clay across the room. Nick smirked and stood up walking over to Clay, he leaned into his friends ear and whispered something that made Clay nudge Nick on the arm and push him away.

Nick walked back over to me laughing, I have no idea what he said but it's only because I wasn't focused on them anyways. Nick was still standing. "Wanna give me the grand tour?" I nodded and attempted standing up only to feel my ankles give out as I fell back onto the couch. Nick's facial features turned to one of amusement but also slight concern, "Are you ok?" I nodded my head.

"Haven't worn platforms in a while is all, just give me a moment." He nodded and looked at George who was snickering at me, I stuck my tongue out in response and he rolled his eyes before beginning to walk to his room, Clay following him like a lost puppy. A moment later I stood up and wobbled a bit, but quickly balanced my self and picked up my shoes. Nick smiled at me and I was about to walk to my room before I remembered that I needed to put my cases of monsters in the mini fridge that was in my room. I groaned before handing the shoes to Nick, he took them quickly with a quizzical look on his face.

I walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed the two cases of monster, with my feet hurting it was a bit of a struggle to carry them. Nick noticed my struggling and walked over to me, "Here I can carry that, you carry your shoes ok?" I nodded and we switched. "Thanks Nicky." He blushed at the nickname as I smirked.

I led him down the hall to my room, he walked in and smiled widely. "Your room is so cool!" I slightly laughed and smiled. "Thankyou." He set my shoes by the closet door where the other shoe boxes were as I sat by my desk and began to stock the mini-fridge below it. He sat down on my bed as his eyes glazed over the many potions up on the wall. "What kind of potions are those?"

I glanced to the ones he was looking at. "Well they're all different ones. I can tell you specific ones though." He nodded and I continued. "The purple ones with black wax are protection spells. They protect those around me or myself from specific things, when the seals break I have to make a new one." He stared at them in awe, "How do you make one?" I stood up from the floor seeing as I was now finished and went to sit on the bed next to him. "Well it takes about three days to be done properly, and a lot of commitment."

He smiled. "What other kinds are there?" I stood up and grabbed a few bottles down from the shelf he had been staring at. "Well this one here," I held up a dark blue bottle, "Is a bonding potion, I made this during a rough patch between me and George, it helped us solve out some problems we had been struggling with. I held up a pink bottle next, "This is sadly not a love potion, it's a wish potion. There is a chance, slim but there is a chance that whatever you wish for, if you do the right offerings after brewing, will be granted." I put the two bottles back on the shelf.

Nick's eyes were now trained on the cauldron I had. He pointed to it as if asking, 'really?' I nodded. "Yep, potions, I can't store those though because most potions go bad in about a week or two." He nodded seemingly understanding what I meant. He laid down on the bed and stared at my ceiling, which had different flags hung up on it, he didn't seem to be actually looking at them though, which Karl didn't know wether he should be happy or nervous about. Suddenly Nick sat up and faced Karl who was already sitting on the bed cross-legged.

"Every smoked Karl?" In all honesty he hadn't so he slowly shook his head no. Amusing, he'd killed someone but never smoked weed. Nick smiled. "Do you want to?" Karl glanced at his dark green spells on the shelf, the health seals were all thick with no cracks. "Sure Nick...when?" He smiled. "I can tell Alex to get some on his way over if you wanna?" I slowly nodded my head he could tell I was nervous but just smiled none the less.

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