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written: 01-31-2021
Title: Seven Deadly Sins
Cover: [not found]
Ship: lots
Chapter name: Vanity

It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humanity that makes men as angels. - St. Augustine

Dream, will be playing the role of Vanity....

7:16 am.

Dream woke up to the bittersweet beeping of his wiry alarm clock. Getting up and turning it off he walked into the bathroom, where he looked at himself in the mirror. He found himself muttering the same lines as always as he got into the shower.

"Nothing to be proud of here. You are worthless, along with your family and this fucked place I have to call home." He repeated these words as he cleaned himself, in an attempt to prepare himself for the day. However, there was no way he could have expected what the day was to bring.

8:30 am.

Dream had just gotten to school, he had ten minutes before his first class, he spent this time in a bathroom stall, avoiding his problems, and 'friends'. Seeing that it was almost time for him to appear in his happy mood he walked out of the stall and over to the sink and mirror.

His reflection showed hair, the color of brown dust. His forest green eyes and freckles made him look mature. His skin was nearly flawless, and a sharp jawline was there to end it all off. He hated the way he looked. He was judged for being a prideful bastard, while he was quite the opposite. He saw the bags under his eyes and sickly smiled, he wasn't perfect, even if they couldn't always see it.

Concluding his time in the bathroom, Dream found himself six minutes late to class. Walking in and attempting to shut the door quietly didn't work. The hinges screamed as if they were being burned alive. Dream looked down and giggled tiredly to himself, knowing that it could only get so much worse. He looked up to be met with Mr. Yarland's eyes. "Why are you late?" Dream sighed, "Lost track of time in the hallway." Mr. Yarland stared into the students eyes, Dream golding his gaze calmly. "Go to your seat." Dream nodded and listened as the teacher walked away, madly muttering. "Prick" Dream said under his breath as he sat down.

"I heard that Dream." Dream groaned in response and set his head on his desk. "Pick your head up." Dream looked up expecting to see yellow eyes staring into his, only to be met with red ones, the color of cold blood stared back at him. "What the hell?!" Dream stood up quickly and realized that he hadn't been sitting on anything.

He stood there looking at the person in front of him. He had on a dark gray suit, and had slicked back black hair. "Clay right?" Dream slowly nodded and the person smiled, "You can call me Gray, for now you have somewhere to be so please, walk with me." Dream, utterly confused, walked with the man who was now 'Gray'. "So Dream, you have been brought into the planescape. It is alike to heaven and hell as you mortals call it. You were specifically chosen to be part of the newest SDS group, isn't that exciting." The man looked at Dream expectantly, who wasn't about to lie. "Sounds great, if I knew what that was or what's really happening." Gray sighed at Dream's sarcasm.

"Well the SDS is the Seven Deadly Sins, you have been chosen to be one of them. There are thousands of groups of SDS's you will be the leader of the newest one. Which also means you will be helping to pick your teammates." Dream slowly nodded, he wasn't about to complain about this world compared to the one he had been in. "So the Seven Deadly Sins were, jealousy, gluttony, greed, lust, sloth, wrath, and uhhh...." Gray was looking at him with a smile, "Go on, say the last one." Dream hesitantly sucked in a breath, "Vanity?" Gray nodded and began to smiled, more than Dream thought should've been possible.

"Dream, you will become Vanity. As for now we have arrived at our destination." Gray turned to look in front of them, Dream following his gaze to see a door. "Dream, when you go through this door, you will become your full form of Vanity. It will be quick and almost painless, you will only feel tingling in your body. I will meet you through the black door." Dream nodded, "I mean it, go through the Black door Dream." The boy nodded again not understanding what was so important about a door.

Gray snapped his fingers and Dream turned to look at him, but then he was gone. "Odd." He turned back to the door and took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." He reached for the handle and turned it, slowly pulling the door open. He walked in and shut it behind him, as the handle left his hand his whole body seemed to go numb with tingling. He tried to talk but instead found another voice. "you know, you shouldn't beat yourself up so much. There really isn't much to do, your body is quite, perfect." He shuddered. "Don't tell me lies." it was his own voice.

Soon the tingling was gone and Dream was able to see again. He was put in a room that seemed to be full of mirrors. He looked at his reflection. He now had a pair of dark gray jeans and a light green t-shirt on. The thing was, he looked absolutely flawless. He couldn't find a hair out of place, or a a mark on his face. He didn't like it but still, it was better than what the world he used to live in was like. Dream did a circle and saw two doors. A black one, and a white one. "I wonder what's in the white one?" He looked at it a moment later before simply walking through the black door, just like Gray had told him to.

The room he walked into seemed much like a waiting room, but it was nearly empty except for Gray, who smiled as Dream walked in. "I see they made a very good decision with you. Follow me, it is almost time for you to go down." Dream smiled, the whole situation he was in felt like a Dream, irony. "What exactly is 'going down'?" Gray laughed, "You will be sent down into a highschool to pick the next member of your team. The Sin is predecided so that you know what to be looking for, or not looking for. You will also stay in this form, people will think that you go to their school. Now come along, there's one last thing that I need to show you before I leave you."

Dream followed Gray through a doorway and into a hall, then another hall that branched out to the left from the first one. At nearly the end of that hall was a door, which Gray led Dream into. "This is where you and your team will stay when you aren't on current mission." Dream was shown the seven rooms, which one was his, the bathroom, living room, and pool, yes a pool.

The two men stood in the living room, "Ok Dream, when you get down there, you are looking for someone to fit the role of lust, or someone who is the opposite. Like them, you can chose someone who is the opposite of their given role. Selfless, Vanity." Gray held Dream's gaze a moment later, "Ok you will walk them through everything just like I did for you, call me when it's time for him to go down. Two last things. If he goes through the wrong door, he fails and you must pick someone else. Lastly, here."

Gray grabbed Dreams wrist and injected him with something. "That will 1. give you easy contact, you can communicate with people, in their minds, as long as you can see them or you know their name. 2. You are now immortal, but that doesn't mean you can't get hurt dumbass." Dream laughed a bit and Gray smiled, "Goodluck." Gray tapped Dreams forehead and when Dream blinked he was in a high school bathroom stall.

"Here goes nothing." He unlocked the stall and was happy to see that he was in an empty bathroom. He could hear the students in the hallway. Calming himself down he took a breath and then walked into the busy hallway, nobody seemed to notice him. He thought about it, normally there were many people in his cafeteria, he sighed and began to look for something that could lead him to the cafeteria. Suddenly he felt someone bump into him. "Oh sorry." The girl backed up and smiled, "Oh no it's my fault, you look.... .lost?" Dream nervously smiled, "Yeah I kinda am. Do you know where the cafeteria is?" She smiled and pointed at a door down the hall.

"Through those double doors, I have to go now, nice talking to you." She smiled and left without another word. Dream laughed a bit to himself at how ridiculous he felt, then began walking to the double doors.

Opening one of the doors he was met with a cafeteria with groups of people scattered here and there. Eventually Dream's eyes landed on one boy, who was sitting alone and messing with his food, absent mindedly. He muttered to himself, "I wonder what's in his head." He was then met with thoughts, that weren't his own.

Just eat the food, ignore them. It's not your fault that you're a virgin, they're to young to have lost their own.

Dream realized that this was what the boy in question had been thinking about. "Woah, that's a dumb thing to be picked on for. Actually, it's the opposite of lust. Which would be great for this role." He walked over to the boy. "Hello I'm Dream, who are you?" The boy seemed to be taken back by the sudden person sitting in front of him. "I'm George." Well George, Dream leaned forward and tapped his forehead, which quickly brought them both back to the spot where Dream first came to. "You are Lust." George looked dumbfounded, "What?"

That's all for this chapter, It's late, goodnight from me!

WC: 1725

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