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chapter name: Lust

"Each of us is born with a box of matches inside of us, but we can't strike all of them all by ourselves." -Laura Esquivel

George will be playing the Sin of Lust....

7:30 am

George had woken up nearly 20 minutes late and had ended up missing his first class. He had gotten to school right when his free period started. He went to his locker first, of course, he shouldn't have.

George could hear Taylor and his gang of goons walk up in the hallway, he tried to focus on the locker in front of him, failing. "Hello Georgie, still a virgin huh? I wouldn't be surprised if no girl wanted you at this point." He turned to face Taylor, who was laughing. One of the goons spoke up, "What is the dude is Gay?" That caused everyone to start laughing even harder at him. Then Taylor got serious, very serious. He walked close to George, "You better not be a little freak, I'll get you kicked out of this school."

Taylor had talked with venom dripping on his tongue. "You know little boys like that go to hell?" George turned around and grabbed his bag from his locker, then slammed the door. He faced Taylor, who was still just as close. "Well then I'll see you in hell Taylor." Out of pure confidence he kissed the boys cheek and booked it down the hallway. Once he got to the safety of the cafeteria he busted out laughing and what he had done. Taylor would be the laughing stock of the school for god knows how long.

George decided to get breakfast and sit at his usual alone spot in the cafeteria. He was there, in his own thoughts when someone walked over to him. "Hello I'm Dream, who are you?" George was caught very off guard at the person in front of him. "I'm George." Dream smiled and tapped George's forehead, he blinked and they were standing in the middle of a room, that was fully black, but he could see fine. "Well George, you are lust."

-present time-

George laughed out loud. "Ok dude what are you smoking?" He kept laughing, until he noticed that the person in front of him,

1. looked perfectly serious

2. looked perfect in general

George stopped laughing and looked around him. "Who are you and where are we?" Dream sighed, "I told you this, I am Dream, my real name is Clay. We are in a plane scape? The dude who brought me here didn't say much but we have to go somewhere so I'll explain as we walk. Ok?" George looked at Dream, "Uh sure," and they started walking.

"Ok, so have you ever heard of the Seven Deadly Sins?" George nodded. "Ok, well me and you so far have been chosen to represent a group of them. There are lost of groups according to Gray. I was chosen to be Vanity, the leader of the group apparently. You were chosen by me to be Lust." George felt his face turn a bit red, "If I'm a virgin, why would I be chose to represent...Lust?" Dream shrugged, "Not sure, Gray said that it's ironic, I hate myself and got chosen to represent vanity." Dream took a deep breath and continued talking, "I think that's all that's important for now, also we're here."

George noticed that the two of them were now facing a door, Dream looked to be daydreaming, so George waited.

-Quick Dream POV-

(In his head with Gray)

"What do I do now?"

"Tell him what I told you, when you snap your fingers, think of the waiting room for the black door, then hope he comes out a few moments later."


-back to George-

Dream turned to face George, "Ok, so when you go in here you will take on the full form of Lust, just like I did for Vanity. Gray said that we will get clothes when we go out on tasks. It won't hurt but it will feel tingly, someone may or may not talk to you. George," They faced each other, "Go through the black door." George nodded and Dream smiled. Dream snapped his fingers and seemed to dissolve into the air. George sighed and turned to face the door.

"What the hell did someone poison me with."

He reached for the handle and walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. His eyes were quickly shut and his whole body felt tingly. He couldn't help but giggle at the odd sensation. He did hear a voice in his ear, "The clothes of Lust will look irresistible when you're on missions." He shuddered at the odd feminine voice and then his eyes were back open. He saw a mirror in front of him and started to look himself over.

His skin, which had been very blotchy and oddly toned was now very clear, and pale. His dark brown hair looked very soft, but fluffy. The normally doe brown eyes were a dark rich chocolate color. He now was wearing black jeans, and a white hoodie that covered down to his thighs. He looked, very, nice. When he was done looking at himself he saw two doors, a white and a black one.

He walked through the black one, just like Dream had told him to. He walked into a room and saw that Dream was leaning on a wall, lost in his mind. "Hey Dream." The boy in question looked up and felt his face warm looking at the George. "You look good, considering that you're lust." George nodded and they started to walk again. Dream led George through a few halls until they got to the room where Dream would be sending Gray down.

"Ok George these are the last few things I need to talk to you about. First I need your arm." George hesitantly held out his arm and Dream took it. Dream quickly injected his arm with the same shot that Gray had given him. "Ok now you are immortal, it's confusing don't ask. Also, you will be able to do a few other things, I'll tell you about those later, importantly, you can talk to me as long as you know my name, or you can see me. It's a mind thing. Give me a moment."

Dream looked out at nothing for a moment and then George heard a snap. He turned around to see a man standing there. "I'm Gray, hello George. You are about to be sent down, and you will need to pick someone to fill the role of Greed. I spoke to them and they said that since you two are the antonyms of Vanity, and Lust, you will need to continue that 'trend'. George, I recommend that your choice be someone that is, not Greedy. Someone who is, kind and giving." Gray smiled, "Ok that's all for now, when you pick someone, tap there forehead you will be brought to where you and Clay were, call me when you get to this room. Goodluck."

Gray reached forward and tapped George's forehead, he was quickly moved and when he opened his eyes he found himself in a high school bathroom stall. He took a deep breath thinking to himself. "Ok the first person you see who looks nice, just take them." Agreeing with his plan, George left the bathroom stall and walked into the hallway. His attention was quickly drawn to someone helping someone else walk down the hallway, the one being helped was limping, and had a bruise on his face. Curiosity got the best of them and George followed along behind the two boys.

He was close enough to hear the conversation...

"I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner."

"Calm down, you don't have to go around saving people."

"That's what it's like, nobody else will stand up to Ryan, they all think he is scary, push over really"

"haha funny, how bad does my leg look."

The taller of the two looked down at the limping boy's leg. "As bad as it feels im guessing..."

"Well than It's broken. Anyway thanks Nick, see you around."

"Anytime man."

Nick opened the door of a room labeled 'nurses office', the hurt boy walked into the room and Nick shut the door. He turned around smiling to be met with a boy who looked in no way shape or form that he had ever been in this school. "Hello, I'm Nick." he smiled at the boy standing in front of him. The boy looked worried, "Oh fuck it." He grabbed Nick's collar and pulled the boy (Who was much taller than him) down so that he could tap his forehead.

In an instant they were transported to the plane scape. Nick was very confused, and George was just muttering under his breath. "Stupid tall people..." Nick laughed a bit and George looked up at him. "Ok well Nick you, are uh." He looked down for a moment, "Oh yeah, you will be Greed, now come on we have stuff to do."

That is it for now, hope you enjoyed, next chapter things will be changing a bit, so be ready

(Nothing to important but I'm getting bored of the repetitive steps with different people so yeah)

I know what you're thinking....

actually no I don't hehe but you can tell me what you were thinking in the comments!

Have a good day/night and try to go outside some! (I know it can't always be to easy.)

WC: 1568

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