When You 'Meet'

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The Stars were out. The city lights glowed brightly in the approaching evening air. The light rain had let up and left behind that fresh smell you loved. Too bad your boyfriend had to ruin this perfect night by cheating on you.

You bit back tears as you rounded the corner, hurrying past and trying not to completely fall apart. You heard a muffled cry and stopped in your tracks, glancing behind you into the darkened alley.

As you peeped around the corner, you saw a thug clutching your mother's handbag in his massive hands, while holding her against the wall. Your mom tried to scream, but the mugger's other hand covered her mouth.

"Hey!" You cried, grabbing a discarded piece of piping from the trash and running at the man, whacking him on the head before he could even register what was happening.

The thug grunted, rubbing his head and raising a huge fist. But before he could land the blow, a figure jumped out of nowhere and pulled the guy off of you and your mom. There was the clashing of weapons, but you couldn't see a thing.

Moments later, the fighting stopped. You could see the figure of the mugger slumped to the ground.

"Who are you?!" You asked, trying to quiet your mother and holding her close.

"That doesn't matter," the figure, a guy who sounded about your age, replied authoritatively, "are you alright?"

"Y-yes, we're fine," you stuttered.

"Good," the strange hero turned to leave.

"Wait! Can I at least know your name?" You cried.

He stopped and looked at you. You could just make out his eyes, startlingly blue in the light of the street lamps.

"Leonardo," he said before disappearing into the night.


You sighed with content as you closed your book, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters. (If you people don't know what this series is, I am ordering you to go find the first book and read it now. If you've already read it and still don't like it, too bad. I will be using the PJO reference throughout these scenarios.)

You walked out of the library, your mind still in Chapter 17. As you passed the old abandoned warehouse outside your neighborhood, you heard a gunshot. You peered into the window of the warehouse, trying to investigate, when you were grabbed by the arm by a man in a black suit.

"The one known as the intruder is trespassing on that which is known as private property," the mans voice sounded strangely robotic.

"L-let me go," you said, trying to sound confident, but failing miserably.

"The one known as the intruder will be punished by Kraang with that which is known as mutation. The intruder will be what is known as, the perfect test subject."

"Whoa, WHAT?!" You exclaimed as he began dragging you into the building, "okay, I am NOT going to be experimented on!"

As you were being shoved into what looked like a laboratory, you heard a holler down the hallway, and all the lights went out. You hit the floor as gunshots sounded, and bright pink lights whizzed above your head.

You felt yourself being lifted and tried to fight back.

"Let me go, or I will go all demigod on your butt!" You shouted, struggling against whoever was holding you.

"Please, calm down! I'm trying to help you get out of here!" The guy holding you ducked out of the way of more pink lights. He began to run, and you felt yourself being pressed against something hard, like armor or something.

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