Cuddles- Raphael

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Hey my lovelies! So, there's a new Wattpad author in our midst! Her name's SiarrahNagawa19  , and you guys should totally check out her story, Alice Heart. It's also about our beloved turtles, and I am positive you guys will like it just as much as I do! On with the story!

"I brought cookies!" You exclaimed as you walked into the building, waving a goodie bag from the bakery in the air. Raph poked his head out from the back room, then smirked and walked up to you.

"Would you like one?" you questioned, pulling a chocolate chip cookie out of the bag.

Raph rolled his eyes, taking the cookie you held out to him and giving you a small hug. You smiled, blushing as Raph kissed the top of your head. 

"What do you wanna do today?" he asked, looking down at you.

"Hmm," you murmured as you took a seat on the floor next to your sports bag, "...Nothing."

"Nothing?" Raph quirked a 'brow' questioningly, "You just wanna lay on the floor, doing absolutely nothing."

A mischievous grin touched your lips as you laid against your bag, whipping out your phone and scrolling through the apps. "Sounds good to me."

Raph  rolled his eyes again, before sitting next to you and peering over your shoulder at the phone screen. You shuffled closer, your arm brushing against your boyfriend's arm as you opened YouTube, clicking on one of the clips and starting to watch it. Both of you watched the video in silence, until you  began laughing at the corny joke that had been told. Raph laughed as well, and you looked up at him.

"What?" he asked nervously.

"I just realized something," you stated matter-of-factly, "I've never heard you laugh. Like, genuinely laugh."

Raph half-smiled, muttering, "I'm not the happy-go-lucky kinda turtle, you know."

You rose up and kissed him, and when you broke apart, mumbled, "And that's fine by me."

Raph wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to him, and you brought your knees up to your chest, snuggling with your red clad turtle and continuing to laugh.

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