Christmas - Leonardo

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Yes, I know Christmas is already through. Do I care? NO!

"Wonder what Sensei's doing."

"Probably waiting for all of us to stop by for dinner tonight."

I laughed only half jokingly, knowing Splinter must be trying his hardest to adjust to an empty lair on Christmas morning. I knew Leo was still grappling with the fact that he and I were here, and not around the tree in the dojo that had inevitably been decorated with ornaments and was harboring gifts for all of us, as it had been a year ago. I poked at my small breakfast of french toast and strawberries, quiet and not wanting to step on Leo's pensiveness as he stared at his food in silence.

"Sure is different this year," he commented.

"Is that a... good or bad thing?" I asked tentatively, unsure how to handle his unusual vagueness.

"Just... a thing. Not good or bad." He glanced up at me with a smile, and I grinned back despite the small drop of my heart that he wasn't leaping with joy that he'd woken up to me and me only this Christmas.

I went back to my food, humming along to Have A Holly Jolly Christmas to try and distract myself from the building air of awkwardness.

"I got you something."

I looked back up, this time surprised. "You...what?" I began to panic. "But didn't we agree not to get any gifts because they take away from the true meaning of--"

"The true meaning of Christmas, yes, I know what we said," Leo cut me off, "and I don't expect you to have gotten something for me. But I've had for quite a while now, and I couldn't wait."

I blushed slightly, smiling and nodding. He held up one finger, telling me to wait while he rose up and scurried out of the room, leaving me to wonder for a moment what had warranted such a sudden bout of excitement from him.

He swiftly reentered, easing a flat, black suede box into my hands.

"What's this?" I asked as he peered at me anxiously, wanting to draw out his miserable moments of suspense as payback for not telling me about this present I wasn't going to be able to reciprocate. We'd said we wouldn't get anything!

"Master Splinter gave it to me, to give to you. It's heirloom of sorts."

My eyebrows rose in interest, and I lifted the lid. My hand flew to my mouth when my eyes fell upon the beautiful necklace inside. A delicate chain held together what had to be dozens of diamond-encrusted charms, the metal and sterling silver bending and molding around the jewels to create tiny cherry blossoms, with a sapphire in the middle of each. At the very center, the blooms all came together, clustered around a Hamato Clan symbol, made with interwoven crystalline branches and leaves.

"Leo, this is... this is... I don't know what to say!" I cried, tears brimming, "Where did you get this?"

"It was Tang Shen's, before she...," he quickly veered from the depressing subject, instead continuing, "Father gave this to her, a few months before they were married. I just wanted you to have it... as a promise."

I swept the tear from my eye, beaming at him gratefully and then sweeping my h/c hair over one shoulder. "Would you put it on for me?"

Leo looked more than happy to oblige, easing the necklace from its satin folds and clasping it around my neck, kissing my cheek as he backed away.

"You're beautiful, Love."

"Thank you, Leo," I replied, my fingers caressing the silver before I hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much."

I pulled back to poke his nose, rebuking him playfully. "You're still gonna pay though. I'm getting you back for not telling me about the gift giving. Or I'll work out some other present for you..."

Leo chuckled, kissing me. "Merry Christmas, Y/N."

"Merry Christmas, Leonardo."

Picture is an example of one of the blossoms :)

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