Realizing You Like Him- Leonardo

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You were with Leo. You had just finished homework, and sat down next to him to watch Space Heroes. You still weren't sure about giving him the popcorn bucket. Leo was notorious for popcorn theft.
You felt Leo's gaze drift from the screen to you as you ate more popcorn. You felt yourself starting to blush, and tried your best not to let it show. Why had you been blushing so much around him lately? It was driving you crazy!
You glanced over at Leo to see him frozen in action, his hovering over the popcorn in your hand.
Leo smirked mischievously, which he never did, before grabbing the bucket of popcorn and jumping up. You bolted upright, racing after him and trying not to knock things over. Leo vaulted over your bed, not even spilling a kernel.
You attempted to jump after him, but your foot caught on a pillow, and tumbled across the bed and knocked both you and Leo to the ground.
You landed on top of him, and you looked up to be greeted with Leo's deep blue eyes an inch from yours. You scrambled off of him, mumbling an apology and trying to avoid his gaze.
Why were you so nervous? You glanced up, feeling your cheeks heating up, to see Leo laughing, picking up the popcorn and getting off the ground. He offered you a hand, and as you took it, saw Leo blushing madly, matching your redness. He let go as you stood back up, and you wished he'd hold your hand again.
Wait, what?! You thought to yourself, running your fingers through your h/c hair as you and Leo sat back down again. Did you... no, you couldn't. Leo was just a friend. You let your eyes wander back over to your turtle friend. His eyes followed the characters on the screen, focused, deciphering all the hidden messages.
You couldn't make sense of it, but once you admitted it to yourself, it felt completely right. That was why you'd been giggling and blushing so often.
You liked Leo. And not just as a friend.

Woo hoo! I have been waiting so long to start writing these next few sets of chapters!
Leo: what're you so excited about?
Me: *unable to contain excitement* I'm just super psyched to start writing about you guys getting together with the readers!!!
Leo: WHAT?!?!
Me: oh, uh, hehe, yeah...
Leo: *rolls eyes* I'm not even going to bother with asking. April brought some pizza, so you better hurry up or Mikey's gonna eat it all. *starts walking out*
Me: right behind ya, Leo! *walking out with Leo* farewell, my lovelies!

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