Hangin' With Him- Donatello

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You laid on your stomach on your bed, and kicked your feet behind you- up, down, up, down. You giggled as you read another of Riordan's funny quips. A tap on your window brought you out of your little world, and you glanced up from your book to see Donnie, smiling his gap-toothed smile.
You grinned, setting your book down to let him in. "Hey D!" you exclaimed.
"Hi, Y/N."
You smiled mischievously as Donnie jumped into your room, "Soooo.... did ya ask her out yet?" you teased.
He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly. "Y/N, you know I haven't."
"I know, I know," you said, plopping back onto your bed, "But it's always fun to see your face anytime someone mentions April."
Donnie blushed profusely, rolling his eyes, "Y/N! Really?"
"Fine, I'll stop," you surrendered, picking up your book again. Donnie glanced at the cover and frowned.
"What's that you're reading?"
You looked up from your book, giving Donnie the 'you've got to be kidding me' look.
"What?" He said, "I can't read every book."
"Yeah, but you haven't read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series?!"
"Who's Percy Jackson?"
You jumped off your bed and scowled at Donnie. "Donatello, are you telling me you don't even know who Percy Jackson is?!"
He facepalmed. You couldn't believe it. Donatello hadn't read your favorite book series in the entire world. You raced to your closet and began digging through the assortment of boxes until you found the one you were looking for.
"Here," you said, tossing the box into Donnie's arms, "They're not in the best condition, and my dad's too cheap to buy me newer ones, but it'll do."
Donnie raised a 'brow' and opened the box. Inside was your most treasured collection of books: the first series of Olympian books, PJO, and the newest series that you couldn't wait to finish, Heroes of Olympus.
Donnie stared in awe at the books, then looked back up at you. "Have you read all of these?"
"I know them backwards," you replied excitedly, "Except for that one," you pointed to the latest and final book, The Blood of Olympus, "I'm in the last chapter, though."
"Wow!" Donnie said, picking up one of the books. As he opened the cover, about 3 pages fell out of the front, "Aw, sewer apples! Sorry Y/N, I didn't--"
"It's fine," you said, pulling some duct tape out and putting the book back together in a jiffy, "Told you, they're not in the best condition."
"Well," he started, "which one's the first?"
"Oh, this one!" You said, picking up the most worn out book, "It's my favorite!"
"And what's it about?"
"It's about Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon who meets a daughter of Athena named Annabeth, and... well, you'll see."
Donnie smiled at your giddiness, and opened the book. You half smiled mischievously, reopening your own book to begin reading again.
(20 minutes later)
You laughed as Donnie's eyes widened again as his gaze drifted over the pages.
"Like it?" You asked.
"This... this is really cool!" He exclaimed, looking up at you.
"What part are you at?"
"The part where Percy and Annabeth get attacked by the robot spiders."
"You're already that far into the book?!" You were astounded. You wished you could read that quickly.
"I can't put this book down! Would you..." Donnie hesitated, "mind if I could borrow it?"
You jumped up, hugging Donnie tightly, then twirling around and whooping loudly.
"What?!" Donnie looked extremely confused.
"Another fan has been added to the PJO fandom!" You squealed, bowing, "I have done my job well!"
Donnie blushed, then replied, "N-no, it's not like I'm part of a fandom or anything..."
"Sure," you said, "Keep telling yourself that."

Yussss! Donatello is officially part of the Percy Jackson fandom!
Donnie: No. I'm not.
Me: uh, yeah, you are.
Donnie: on the contrary. If I were-- *halts talking to stare at the newest book of the series that I'm holding* where the shell did you get that?!
Me: oh, you know, from the bookstore...
Donnie: *grabs book and runs out of room*
Me: Hey! *chases after Donnie* bye, my lovelies!
Donnie: The Blood of Olympus! Yessssss!

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