Hangin' With Him- Raphael

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"Raph?" You shouted, walking into the alley behind Murakami's, "I swear, if he stands me up-"

"Psst," you jumped and almost knocked Raph over as you turned to him.

"Geez, you're jumpy today," he smirked at your startled look.

You half-smiled, raising a brow. "Pssh, I wasn't scared," you replied, "I'm not scared of anything, especially not you."

Raph seemed a bit uneasy. "What's up?" you continued.

"How can you trust me so much after you've only known me for, like, 2 weeks?" he suddenly asked.

"Why would you think I wouldn't trust you? We're friends."

Raph frowned, then gestured for you to follow him. You both ran through the back alleys of the city until Raph came up to a foreclosed apartment building. Once he picked the lock and you were both inside, he leaned against the wall and looked at you, puzzled.

"What?" you demanded, getting uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Y/N, you barely know me," he started, "But you just agreed to meet me in a potentially dangerous dark alley?"

"First of all," you began, "Don't worry about me walking into dark alleys. I am armed with pepper spray and my fists 24/7."

Raph rolled his eyes, and you continued, "Second of all, why wouldn't I trust you? Sure, you can be a bit of a jerk sometimes-"


"-but that doesn't mean you're not a good guy."

Raph's frown deepened. "But... how could you not be afraid of... Hanging out with a turtle?"

"Dude," you said, exasperated, "I've been bullied my whole life because I was always shorter and smaller than everyone else. I have been told I can't play soccer because I'm too weak. But I'm a lot stronger than I look. I think I've learned by now not to judge a book by its cover."

Raph's face softened, and he smirked. "you play soccer?"

"Really? You haven't noticed this gigantic sports bag I carry around everywhere I go?"

"I just thought-"

"That I don't do sports because I'm so scrawny?" you interrupted, looking down at the ground and sighing.

"No!" he objected, walking up to you, "I just thought you would be too kind to play that sort of game."

That was a new one. You looked up at him, returning his smirk. "You only know my good side. You haven't seen me when I lose my temper, Raphie Boy."

Raph looked confused. "Raphie Boy? What kinda name is that?"

You ignored the question. "Anytime you wanna challenge me to a scrimmage, let me know, so I can kick your butt!"

You glanced quickly at your watch. "Oh, shoot!" you exclaimed, "I've got practice in 10 minutes! I gotta go!"

Before Raph could say anything, you sprinted to the other side of the room, pulling open the heavy door with ease. "See ya, Raphie Boy!"

Raph finally recovered his wits, and as you ran out, shouted, "Don't call me that!"

Sooo... I feel like this chapter was really... weird.

Mikey: *after reading over chapter* well, yeah! You didn't make Raph enough of a meanie!

Me: Hey, I can't just keep portraying him as this big jerk forever!

Raph: *from other room* I HEARD THAT!

Me: *to Raph* DO YOU THINK I CARE?! *to Mikey* Don't worry, he won't be that nice all the time... In fact, this will probably be the only time he's kinda decent!

Raph: THAT'S IT!!! *runs in and starts chasing me*

Me: Pray I will survive, my lovelies!

Mikey: *running away from Raph with me* Booyakasha!

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