Teens No More - Donatello

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Donatello trudged toward the lab, a roll of invention specs tucked under his arm and his eyes still dreary. He reached for the handle of the door just as I leapt onto his shell and locked my arms around his neck.
"Gah!" He cried, dropping his plans and stumbling back, frazzled.
"You are not going to spend your entire Mutation Day in the lab," I insisted casually as he tried to shoo me off of his carapace, "not when I've already got the best day ever planned."
"But -- but Y/N, I have to--"
"No, you don't. You know why you don't have to go in and slave over your machines? Because your girlfriend said so."
He huffed, but couldn't resist the smile that crept onto his face. "Alright, I surrender. What's your plan?"
I grinned, sliding off his carapace and coming around to face Donnie, taking both his hands and leading him toward the lair's entrance. "We're gettin' out of here. We shall explore this wonderful city."
He froze. "Sweetheart, it's daylight, I can't--"
" 'Course you can! Remember when we met, you had that disguise on?"
"You're gonna get your big jacket, and your oversized hat, and your fluffy scarf, and we're gonna get out and see the city! We'll go to Times Square, and the Statue of Liberty! We will get hot dogs, and we will visit every big library in NYC. And we can go to MoMA! Wouldn't that be cool? A museum full of art!"
Donnie smiled, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Is there anything you won't do for adventure?"
I thought a moment, before shaking my head. He laughed, pulling me to him and kissing me lovingly. I sighed happily, wrapping my arms around his neck, when he suddenly pulled away.
"Will you get a house with me?" He blurted, not seeming to have any control over what was tumbling out of his lips.
I blinked, not registering his words fully. "W-what?"
"Find a place with me. Live with me," he replied quickly, "start a life with me."
My heart turned cartwheels. "You're not joking, right?"
"N-no," he mumbled, glancing away sheepishly, "I know it's crazy. B-But I love you, and I think--"
"You think too much," I interrupted with a giggle, kissing him happily, "Of course I'll get a house with you."
His eyes widened with joy. "You mean it?
"When have I ever been able to refuse you?" I teased, reaching up to brush my hand along his cheek, "You've had my heart since the day you asked me to be yours. I think it's an amazing idea."
Donnie smiled, revealing his gap tooth. "You know, I really don't need anything for my Mutation Day. With you, I'll have everything I need and want in the world."
I blushed, and at moment, my intangability decided to ruin the moment. I sank waist deep into the floor, turning even more red-faced and glancing up at Donatello.
He only chuckled as he helped me up, picking me up to twirl me a bit before setting me back on my feet..
"S-Sorry," I mumbled.
"Just another one of the many reasons I love you," He responded, intertwining our fingers.
I beamed. "I guess we'll be house hunting on our way to MoMA, huh?"
He kissed my cheek, leading me to the Shellraiser. "Looking forward to it."

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