Halloween - Donatello

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"Guys, I look stupid," R/G grumbled, fingering the hem of her ragged dress and adjusting the bright red wig on her head.
"Trust me, you'll look amazing," D/G assured, swiping her paintbrush over her friend's cheeks and creating perfect artificial stitches, "The best Sally Raph has ever seen."
R/G blushed faintly, smiling when she glanced in the mirror at her reflection.
"Where'd you learn to do makeup so well, D/G?" M/G questioned, fluffing her red-and-blue-dyed hair and adjusting her fishnet tights over her temporary tattoos.
"She's an artist. I think it would come naturally to her," L/G put in, applying the slightest bit of mascara and batting her lashes to test out the effectiveness of the makeup.
"You still haven't told us what you're dressing as," M/G whined in complaint.
"You'll find out," L/G snatched up her bag to pull out a tube of lip gloss, "soon enough."
"And we have to meet the guys where?" D/G questioned, adding a powder blue foundation to R/G's skin.
"Murakami's. The Mutanimals and some other allies are getting together for a little Halloween party."
"Well ladies," M/G declared with a grin, "I think it's safe to say this will be the best All Hallows' Eve ever!"

Donatello watched the restaurant come to life, the epitome of a wallflower while all the other mutants jammed to the festive music. His attention turned back to the knobs and buttons on his proton gun, fidgeting in the slightest every so often. The accessories on his proton pack had begun to fall off, which he promptly fixed before doing a routine check on the neutrino wand strapped to the belt of his beige, custom-designed Ghostbusters jumpsuit.
"What ARE you?"
The genius jumped, having not noticed Dr. Rockwell's appearance. He huffed.
"A Ghostbuster. Specifically Professor Egon Spengler, PhD." He adjusted his fake glasses for theatrical effect. "I managed to create a replica of the PKE meter and proton pack, though my lack of time didn't permit my remaking of a proper ghost trap."
The monkey rolled his eyes. "A feeble attempt to imitate, in my opinion."
Donnie's eyes narrowed. "Well, what are YOU supposed to be?"
The former scientist straightened his bow tie and trench coat. "As I recall, Mondo referred to it as Doctor Where... or perhaps Doctor When?"
"Doctor Who," Donnie corrected with a snort. "Geez, can't even identify your own costume. Nice touch with the ridiculous psychic helmet."
Rockwell scowled. "Infernal terrapin."
"Dimwitted simian."
"Well, well, well."
Both mutants turned toward the new voice. Donnie's eyes widened.
Y/N sauntered forward in a short beige dress, the Ghostbusters logo embroidered on her chest, and clad in tight black leggings. The collar of her uniform had been left slightly unbuttoned, and she twirled her proton gun around her fingers before holstering it in her belt. She smiled.
"If it isn't Professor Spengler," she cooed, leaning against the wall, "Allow me to introduce myself. Erin Gilbert, physicist and former professor of Columbia Universi- GAH!"
She cried out in surprise when her intangibility made her fall through the wall.
"Oh. Oh dear," Rockwell averted his gaze from the half of Y/N still visible, "Well then. I'll just...leave you to it."
He floated away awkwardly, and Donnie suppressed his small laugh as he helped his girlfriend stand.
"So much for being provocative and seductive," she muttered sheepishly, blowing her hair out of her face, "I owe R/G five bucks."
Donnie grinned, giving her a small kiss. "You look absolutely ravishing."
Y/N warmed. "Thanks...Egon."
He laughed, glancing at the other prop in her hand. "When did you have time to make a genuine ghost trap?!"
She blinked, then held up the gadget. "This? I thought we'd need it for the costume."
He smiled a bit dreamily. "You complete me, you know that?"
She giggled. "Yeah, and you complete me too. C'mon, let's go dance."
Donatello nodded, allowing Y/N to lead him onto the dance floor, his attention now entirely on her.

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