Getting out- Leonardo

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K, I just thought these pictures were hilarious. No reason why, I just put them in here:)

You flinched as Leo kicked away the ninja about to stick the mind-worm in your ear. He picked the lock on your restraints, and as the metal straps slipped off of you, you collapsed from weakness. Leo caught you before you could hit the ground, then turned to the other turtles, who you assumed were his brothers.

"Get the girls!" he ordered, until a Foot bot appeared behind him.

"Leo, look out!" you cried as the ninja swung its sword. The blow was deflected with one of Leo's katanas, and a swift kick sent the robot flying into the opposite wall.

The door of the lab slammed open, and Eric and Leonna walked in,along with the two new mutants. They stood for a moment, slack jawed as they watched the Turtles fight. Then Eric turned to see you and Leo, and his eyes narrowed. You gulped, and Leo whirled around to face Eric head-on. Eric charge your boyfriend, fists flying, and Leo dodged every swing, knocking him out with the hilt of his sword. You stared at the motionless pile of ex-boyfriend in front of you, a smile smile touching your lips.

"This the clown who cheated on you?" Leo asked, glaring down at Eric in disgust. You nodded, and Leo pushed your ex out of the way with his foot. He looked back into your e/c eyes, and breathed, "I thought I almost lost you, Yūgana."

"I'm not going anywhere, Fearless," you replied, kissing him quickly and hugging him tightly. Leo pulled away slightly to look at you. Over his shoulder, you saw a Foot soldier readying a throwing star, and gasped. Leo heard the shruiken flying toward the two of you, and quickly swept you into his arms, rolling away as the throwing star almost hit him. He brought an arm around your waist, scooping your legs up with the other and running through the turmoil to the window. Before he could escape, a fist appeared out of nowhere, smacking him in the face and sending you flying to the floor. You landed with an 'oof!' and kicked the legs out from under the Foot bot that had hit your turtle. Leo brought down his katana, swiftly decapitating the robot.

"See?" he said, "You're not clumsy."

"You're really gonna bring that up now?" you asked as he clashed weapons with another ninja.

A few more of the Foot beat up, and Leo picked you back up and hurried to the window. His brothers soon joined him, each with a different girl in his arms, and the Turtles jumped into the night, leaving the ruins of the lab behind.

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