Kidnapped- Donatello

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You walked sadly along the streets of New York, going nowhere in particular. You had just reread the 3rd book of the Heroes of Olympus where Percy and Annabeth... had fallen into Tartarus.

You wiped the beginning of a tear from your eye. Why do I always have to get worked up about this? you wondered, looking into your bag at the collection of books and drawings stuffed within. Your slight distraction cause you to trip over yourself, almost crashing into the people in front of you, before someone grabbed you and stopped your fall.

You whirled around, about to thank your savior, when you saw the guy's face. Blank eyes, black hair, dressed in a black suit. You remembered the man who Donnie had saved you from, the night you first met your boyfriend. What had D called him? The... Kraang? Your eyes found the abandoned warehouse from that fateful night just across the street. Someone called you name, and you glanced over momentarily to see your father, searching for your face in the crowd.

"You will stay quiet," the robot directed, "Or Kraang will release a mutegen bomb over every person on the place which is known as this block."

You started to panic. What could you do? If you screamed, everyone around you would be mutated. You let yourself be led by the Kraang across the street in the warehouse, trying to ignore you dad's calls. Once inside, you tried to make a run for it, but 3 other bots held you captive. 

The Kraang that had led you here pulled up a computer screen, filled with formulas and equations. It turned back to you, commenting, "The captured one must be used in what is known as, the invisibility experiment."

"But Kraang," a bot next to you responded, "The effects of that which is known as that serum are unknown. Kraang suggests an additional formula be added."

"Correct, Kraang," the other alien replied, pushing a few buttons before continuing, "Intangibility should do what is known as, the trick."

A needle was suddenly pushed into the side of your neck, and you yelped, slumping to the floor. You gazed up fearfully before the door to the warehouse burst open once more, and you father shouted, "What are you doing with my daughter?!"

"Dad, no!" you pleaded, before more bots took your father in their hold. The doors shut again, and the butt of a gun was rammed into the side of your dad's head as your vision began to fade.

"Donnie..." you whispered. Then, nothing. 

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