The Guys Find Out

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L/G=Leo's girlfriend

R/G= Raph's girlfriend

D/G= Donnie's girlfriend

M/G= Mikey's girlfriend

"Guys! GUYS!" Mikey yelled frantically as he raced out of his room, T-Phone in hand. He looked absolutely panicked, and his brothers weren't feeling much better.

All the Turtles hadn't heard from their girlfriends at all. Raph had just returned from the abandoned apartment building, after failing to find R/G, and Leo was back from searching L/G's house in vain. Donnie was a wreck, though he wouldn't show it, after D/G had disappeared from the library, he hadn't discovered where she'd gone.

"What is it, Mikey?" Leo muttered, sighing in exasperation. 

"I got a voicemail from M/G," Mikey yelped, "And then Rahzar came on the phone, and he--"

"Whoa whoa," Raph tried to quiet his little brother, irritated, "Who's M/G?"

At this, Mikey went silent. None of the brothers had admitted to their secret relationships. They all stood around each other, shuffling their feet awkwardly.

"Alright," Mikey finally started, "I'll bite. I met this really cool girl a few months ago, and she's amazing, and we started dating a while ago, and it's been awesome, and now she's missing and I'm really worried."

"You're dating someone?" Donnie was incredulous.

"Oh, come on, D," Raph demanded, "You're dating someone too!"

"What?!" Donnie was beyond shocked, "How do you know about D/G?!"

"Next time, try hiding your pictures of her on your laptop a little better," Raph suggested sarcastically.

Donnie huffed, "Okay, yes, I've been dating someone, and D/G's... the most stunning girl I've ever met, and--"

"Alright," Raph interrupted, "We don't need a whole narration on your girlfriend."

Donnie narrowed his eyes at Raph, and Leo intervened, "Okay guys, break it up. Donnie has a girlfriend, Raph has a girlfriend--"

"Hey!" Raph exclaimed, "Who said I had a girlfriend?!"

"C'mon, dude," Mikey interjected, "You don't think we see you sneaking off to meet someone almost everyday?"

Raph growled, but softened a bit, saying, "Well, so what if I'm dating someone? It's not like I'm the only one. And you guys aren't questioning Leo going off and abandoning us to 'check out' the east side of the city every patrol?"

"Er," Leo began, taking a step forward, "I, erm, actually... have been dating someone too."

All the brothers were quiet for a moment, before Donnie sighed, "Alright, so we've all been having secret love lives this whole time. Big whoop. But from what I can tell, Mikey's girlfriend is missing, as is mine."

Leo put in, "I can't find L/G either," and Raph nodded, telling his brothers that he hadn't seen R/G.

"Well, I got this freaky voicemail," Mikey said again, pressing play on his T-Phone. The Turtles crowded around the phone, listening intently to Rahzar speaking.

"Ah, Michelangelo, I see you've found another human friend. Well, isn't that just peachy. She'll make a nice addition to our host of test subjects," the mutant dog was growling.

"Test subjects?" Raph hissed, "What the shell does he mean by test subjects?!"

"Maybe if you listened, we'd find out!" Leo whisper-shouted back, continuing to listen to the voicemail.

"You want your little... girlfriend back? We'll see about that. After all, she's not gonna be all that keen to see you after we're through with her and her little friends."

There was rustling on the other end of the line, struggling, as a girl whimpered, "Mikey..." before the call went dead.

The tension in the air was unbearable. Everyone stood stalk still, trying to register what Rahzar had just said. Then Donnie spoke.

"We have to go," he commanded, "They're gonna do something to them, who knows what!"

"I agree," Leo nodded, "Let's go. We don't any have time to waste."

Without another word, the brothers readied their weapons and raced to Shredder's lair, hoping and praying that their girlfriend was alright.

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