Massage - Raphael

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"Raphael Sanzio da Ur--!"

"Don't use my whole name! You know I hate that!"

"Well right now, I don't care!" I rushed forward to my limping boyfriend as he stumbled into the lair, "You deserve to be called by your full name, after pulling this crap."

"It was just a solo mission," Raph mumbled as I checked over the bruises on his arms and the cut on his brow, "Things just got a little out of hand."

"A little?" I asked, shaking my head and leading him to the kitchen, grabbing the first aid kit off the counter.

"Yeah, a little! I'm fine, Y/N. You're my girlfriend, not my mother, so quit scolding me," he huffed.

"Then quit giving me reasons to scold you," I retorted, handing him an ice pack and retrieving some gauze. "This is the third time this week you've come home all banged up like this. You're not going anywhere for a while, unless it's with your brothers."

"What?! No. You can't make m—ow!" Raph protested when I dabbed a bit harshly at the cut on his forehead with the gauze.

"Sorry," I muttered unapologetically, being a bit more gentle as I tended to his small injury.

"You can't make me," he reiterated, crossing him arms and watching me work from the corner of his eye.

"I can, and I will. Putting this much physical stress on your body everyday isn't healthy, Raph. We're moving out soon, and the last thing I need is you whining on your shell with a sprained muscle while I lug all the boxes to our new place."

"That won't happen—"

"It will if you don't take some time torecuperate." I plopped down in the chair across from him, taking the ice packand setting it on the most swollen part of his bicep.

"Don't worry about me," Raph said, glancing at me and reaching forward to cup my face in his hand, "You know I can take care of yourself."

I was silent, my eyes intently on the pack as I held it against his bruises. "It's not good for you, putting so much strain on yourself 24/7. I mean, look at you! You can barely relax."

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"Your sitting up stick-straight! I bet you don't even realize how tense you look right now." I rose up and walked behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders and giving them a light squeeze, "What you need is a good massage."

He stiffened even more. "Massage? Heck no."

I rolled my eyes, already starting to knead his taut muscles. "Why not? It'll reduce your soreness, and help with your minor injuries, and in my opinion, they feel great."

Raph was quiet, peeking over at me every now and then as I continued to rub at the knots and kinks. I pretended not to notice his eyes closing in pleasure when I moved down to his upper arms, carefully working around his bruised skin and massaging his tension away. He sucked in a breath when I accidentally hit a particularly sore spot.

I drew my hands back quickly. "Sorry."

"S'okay," he mumbled back, looking over at me with a faint smile.

I returned his grin, walking back over to the first aid kit and tidying up the supplies when I noticed his quizzical look. "What?"

"You... you're done?" he asked hesitantly, eyes flicking to my hands in an almost pleading way.

I tried to hold back a giggle. "I didn't wanna hurt you."

"That was only one time. I won't complain again."

This time I couldn't suppress my laugh. "I thought you were against massages."

"I was..." Raph admitted with a reluctant smile, taking my hands and guiding them to his shoulders once more, "Emphasis on the past tense."

I beamed at him, leaning forward to give him a kiss, my fingers beginning to tease him with a few gentle pinches and pokes at his skin. He shivered, surprising me with the apparent happiness he was receiving from the treatment.

"You're a great medic, you know that?" he churred.

"I pride myself in my ability to make my boyfriend feel better," I replied with a grin.

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