Cuddles- Leonardo

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The sun was setting, and you waited anxiously for Leo by your window. A Space Heroes episode marathon was scheduled for tonight, and the two of you had promised to watch it together.

Your eyes lit up as you glimpsed a figure hopping over skylights toward your apartment. After a minute, Leo appeared outside your window, and you grinned, letting him inside.

"Hey, Fearless," you exclaimed, giving him a kiss.

"Kon'nichiwa, Yūgana," he replied, and you raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, what'd you say? You know I don't understand that stuff."

Leo chuckled, draping an arm over your shoulder, "It means, 'hello, graceful.'"

You felt yourself beginning to blush, laughing nervously, "You know I'm like, the clumsiest person ever, right?"

"I seriously doubt that," he replied, "You're amazing. Let's watch the show, alright?"

You blushed profusely as the two of you took a seat in front of the TV. As the show started, you grinned and snuggled closer to Leo, leaning your head on his shoulder. The redness hadn't yet fully abandoned your cheeks, as the theme song began to play. You felt Leo's gaze on you, and then his hand slinked to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You laid a hand on his plastron, peering up into his blue eyes. 

Leo leaned in and kissed you, bringing his other hand up to stroke your cheek. You sighed, bringing your fingers up to tangle them in Leo's mask tails, not wanting this blissful moment to end. Finally, Leo pulled away, his hand still on your cheek. 

"You're beautiful," he quipped, "Please, never forget that."

You kissed him once more, whispering, "You're the best boyfriend ever."

You smiled at each other, before turning back to the television to watch the rest of the show, cuddled together the whole time.

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