Bent, Not Broken - Michelangelo

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"Will you just listen to me?!" I cried in frustration, swinging the unplugged Xbox cord like a pendulum as I glared at Mikey.

"Hey!" He protested, frowning as he tossed his controller away and stood up, "I was playing on that!"

"I couldn't get your attention any other way," I argued, gesturing wildly to the now-dark TV screen.

"Geez, lighten up, Y/N," He complained, crossing his arms, "It's called having fun."

"It's called having an actual relationship!" I shot back, tapping my foot in annoyance, "You've been attached to that video game controller for almost two weeks!"


"So, you have a girlfriend. Here's a thought - quit being a gamer zombie and actually spend time with me!"

Mikey turned away, huffing as he pouted, "I told you to come and play this game with me. You didn't wanna hang out then, why now?"

"That's not hanging out!" I clenched my fists, "I mean face-to-face conversation, an actual date, not staring at a screen 24/7 and killing eachother's avatars!"

"Give me a little space, would ya?" He threw his hands in the air in exasperation, "Ever since we started dating. 'Oh, Mikey, come cuddle with me. Oh, Mikey, come help me make this pizza. Oh, Mikey, spend every waking hour with me.' Have you ever thought I might want to be left alone sometimes?!"

I gasped, my heart pounding nauseatingly as I shouted, "Is that how you think of me? Some kind of clingy girlfriend you can't wait to get rid of so you can play your video games?"

"Well, it'd sure be nice not to have someone nagging and pleading to spend time together. So we're dating. So you're my girlfriend. Big whoop! It doesn't mean we've got to be joined at the hip or somethin'!"

I stomped up to him angrily, tears brimming in my eyes, "Big whoop? Big. Whoop?! I can't believe you! This relationship means nothing to you, does it? It's just something else for you to have a little fun, gain some benefits. But as soon as it's not working perfectly, you're out, right?"

Mikey stopped talking for a moment, finally seeming to realize what he had said. "That's not what I meant..."

"That's exactly what you meant. You just said so yourself. If having a girlfriend is such a pain for you, maybe you should find a new one!"

Mikey's eyes instantly turned fearful. "No! Wait, I--"

"Oh, no need to thank me," I cried sarcastically, my voice cracking with emotion, "I'm just ridding you of another burden!"

I tried to push him away, though I didn't have much strength anyway, so he just ended up swaying a bit, before zooming at top speed out of the lair, only faintly hearing Mikey calling my name over the wind whistling in my ears.

My iPod droned sad songs into my ears as I sat atop on the water tower on my old apartment building, watching the sunset, remembering when Mikey and I had talked so happily about traveling together to see the sunsets across the globe. I knit my brows together, refusing to cry. Refusing to let my sadness take over me.

Refusing to let go of some hope deep inside me that he didn't mean it.

I held onto that hope for dear life, as I stood and climbed off the tower. My thoughts whirred at a thousand miles an hour, forming a plan to use my abilities to travel into the lair, grab my stuff, and get the heck out in less than two minutes.


I spun around toward the sound of my name, wanting to grin automatically when I saw Michelangelo racing toward me as fast as he could, though I kept my expression stoic. My brain waged war against itself, telling me to stand my ground while simultaneously screaming from the rooftops my love for him.

Keep it together, Y/N. You're angry, remember?

Mikey finally cleared the last gap between the roofs, panting as he walked up to me.

"I can't believe I found you," He mumbled incredulously, "C'mon, I'll take you back to the lair."

He reached for my hand, but I'd already rocketed to the edge of the building, away from him.

"You don't get it, do you?" I whispered, "That hurt me. A lot."

Mikey sighed, looking away sadly, "You didn't let me finish. You know I'm not all that good with words. I'm stupid. I get so wrapped up in what I'm feeling that I don't even stop to think about what I'm actually saying. I was mad you turned off my video game. And I shouldn't have told you any of that, because none of it is true. Listen Y/N, I love you. You're not clingy; you're talented, funny, beautiful... You're so perfect I get a little intimidated by you're amazingness. I'm sorry."

I sniffled, racing over to him and hugging him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder as I finally let my emotions out.

"I'd give every pizza in the world to have you with me, Y/N," Mikey murmured in my ear as he held me close.

I giggled half heartedly through my mess of tears, snuggling close and whispering, "I love you, my turtle."

"I love you too, Y/N. More than anything."

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