Your Secret- Michelangelo

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You woke up with a start. A cold sweat had broken out all over you, and you jerked your head toward your alarm clock to look at the time. Only 11:30, and you'd already had a nightmare?
"Slow your roll, Y/N," you muttered to yourself, "It was just a nightmare..."
But the dream you'd had made you cringe.

*flashback to dream*

I sat there, watching as the red curtain began to sway back and forth, starting to open. My hands clutched the bow and gripped the neck of my cello as the audience was slowly revealed. A polite applause erupted around the room, and I felt my face pale. I realized I had to play, or I'd just sit there looking like an idiot. I readied the bow, but was shaking so badly, it bumped across the strings, causing a loud shriek. I winced, then began playing... but for whatever reason, I started getting every single note wrong. I tried to stand and run off, but was glued to my seat, my hands still forcing the cello to play the deranged song. I felt a few tears as people began pointing and laughing. I shouted over and over, "STOP!" but they wouldn't listen. I couldn't stop, so why should they?

*end of flashback*

You shivered, rubbing your arms nervously and slipping out of bed. Dancing in front of people, you could handle. But cello? You thought there wasn't a chance people wouldn't laugh.
Another glance at the clock. 11:34. You walked to your closet, walking in and turning on the tiny light bulb. You dug through the leotards and dance shoes and pulled out an old cello. A long scratch ran up the side of it, and it was an ugly shade of brown, but hey, it worked.
You checked your parents' bedroom, to see they were still out... probably cheating on each other again, you guessed. You sighed sadly.
You screamed, wheeling around to run into Mikey, who was just behind you.
"Mikey!" you exclaimed, "What're you doing here?"
"Well," he started, "I thought I'd come and see if you were still awake and... hey, why do look so sad?"
You hadn't been completely shaken out of the thoughts of your mom and dad's crumbling relationship, but your eyes unclouded and you shook your head, "I'm not sad. Nope. Not sad in the least bit."
Mikey still looked really doubtful, but he knew you didn't want to talk about it- that, or he got too intrigued with the cello in your hands.
"Whoa," he breathed, taking it into his hands, "Where'd you get the giant violin?"
You laughed and rolled your eyes, "It's a cello, Mikey."
"A cello?" Mikey looked over it again, "Cool! Do you know how to play?"
"Well..." you didn't know whether you could tell anyone about your cello obsession, but then thought, Mikey's my... boyfriend... he wouldn't laugh at me. You smiled inwardly as you thought about Mikey being your boyfriend, then snapped yourself back into the conversation. "Yeah," you finally said, "I play a little."
"Will you play something?"
You blushed, and took the cello, taking a deep breath before you started playing the first thing that came to mind: Breathe by Anna Nalick. Your eyes closed as your features changed with the beat, and before you knew it the song was over.
You slowly opened your eyes, preparing for laughter, but it never came. Mikey stared at you, amazed. He walked over to you, and enveloped you in a hug, cello and all.
"Y/N," he started, "You should be a cello-er!"
"You mean a cellist?" you giggled.
"You know what I mean," Mikey smiled and draped an arm over your shoulder.

I loved this! L-O-V-E!
Mikey: That was really cool! Only, why'd you have to start it off with that sadness?
Me: hey, I had to spice it up!
Mikey: yeah, but... it's sad...
Me: It'll be okay, cuz the next set of chapters are gonna be the best ever!
Mikey: Why?
Me: *whispers to you* It's the first kiss! ^.^
Mikey: What'd you say, Annabeth?
Me: Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Bye my lovelies!

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