Christmas - Michelangelo

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Yes, I know Christmas is already through. Do I care? NO!

A racket behind me made me turn toward the back seat.

"Really Mikey, I think something else is in the van."

"Nah!" he replied a little too quickly, "I checked before we left! Nothing back there at all!"

I narrowed my eyes at my boyfriend, taking another slice out of our Christmas pizza box. "You're lying to me."

"Me? How could I ever lie to you?" Mikey quipped, eyes completely focused on the road while he drove.

"Look me in the eye and tell me nothing's in the back!"

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"...because I'm driving."

I rolled my eyes. "Michelangelo, if you don't tell me what's in the back of this vehicle, I'm officially canceling our Totally Amazeballs Vegas Christmas Trip."

"Not the TAVCT!" he protested, "We're only an hour away! The suspense is already killing me! C'mon don't do this to me!"

"Well then it looks like you've got some talking to do," I observed.

"Alright, alright," he huffed, pulling to the side of the highway, glancing back and forth to make sure no one was on the road to spot him before scurrying out and around to the back.

He was back in an instant, the door slamming behind him as he cradled the new bundle of rags closer to him.

"Just promise not to get mad," he said, shoving the bunch of old blankets into my hands, "I found him in a dumpster this morning and I couldn't just leave him there and I don't know you should just think of this as a little Christmas miracle or Christmas gift or something--"

"Oh my God! He's so cute!" I cooed, unwrapping the final blanket to be met with the most precious blue eyes I'd ever seen (except Mikey's, of course). A black kitten stared back up at me, thin and clinging to the sheets fearfully. He was shaking, cowering, and my heart broke.

"Thank goodness you found him..."

"You're... you're not mad?" He asked.

"No! How could I be mad at you for saving this sweet little cat?" I slowly reached forward, stroking the tiny creature's matted fur and gently humming, "Don't be afraid, little guy. I won't hurt you..."

Mikey smiled, glad he wouldn't be having his new friend taken away, inching closer to me and the kitten. "Figured he'd be good company for Ice-cream Kitty... you know, when we got back..."

I nodded in agreement, smiling down at the little cat. "He's adorable. A wonderful addition to the motley crew. But what should we call him?"

"You pick. You're the sweet angel who's letting me keep him, after all."

I laughed softly. "Well, I've always wanted to name a cat Felix..."

"Felix it is," Mikey announced, and I smiled at the kitten now drifting off in my arms.

"Merry Christmas, Felix..."

Alright everyone, so either my Wattpad is malfunctioning, or... I've run out of room to post new chapters in this book! I'll keep you all posted on what happens! X'D

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