Jealousy - Raphael

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I hopped onto the couch beside Raph, morphing into a tabby cat and reclining on his lap with a soft purr. He chuckled softly, peeking down at me and scratching between my ears.


I purred loudly in reply, rubbing my head against his hand with a tiny meow. He laughed again, pausing for a moment and then holding up a plastic bag.

"I wonder if cats can eat Doritos?"

I morphed back into my human form, snatching the bag away and munching on a chip delightedly. "Of course they can."

He smiled, leaning forward to peck my cheek. "How was your patrol?"

"Disappointing, as usual," I responded, "Still no sign of my mom."

His green eyes filled with worry. "If you'd let me go with you, I could help--"

"No," I stopped him, "I need that time to... be alone. She's my mom, I'll find her."

He sighed in defeat, nodding reluctantly. I smiled and kissed him quickly. "You're very sweet to offer, though."

He scoffed. "I'm not sweet."

Before I could argue, a loud zap! pierced the air, and a swirling pink portal appeared above us. I was on my feet in an instant, willing myself to morph into the most dangerous thing I could think of. I snarled in my wolf form as a tiny parcel fell through the portal and bounced off Raph's head, landing at my feet. The portal closed with a tiny whoosh, and I tilted my head at the tiny electronic screen, glowing bright green with some type of alien language blinking across it.

I transformed back into my original self, plucking the message up off the floor and staring at it curiously. Raph's face turned two shades a lighter green.

"Don't open that."

"What?" I glanced up at him, narrowing my eyes and jabbing at the screen with my thumb. An image appeared, fuzzy at first, refocusing into another mutant, clad in metallic blue armor. She was obviously a lizard of some sort, and she smiled.

"Hello, Brave Raphael," she greeted, "This is Igythba, or Mona Lisa, of the second Salamandrian fleet."

"Who's Mona Lisa?!"

"No one!"

"I am sending you this message to inquire why you have not bothered to return any of my hologram calls--"

"Hologram calls? What calls?"

"Don't listen to her!"

"--and to tell you that I've missed you, my brave soldier--"

The screen was snatched out of my hands, flying through the air and getting pinned to the wall by a sai, its circuits sparking as the image went black. I turned to face Raph.

"Who. Was. THAT?!"
"Mona Lisa," he replied quickly, "I met her before I met you. She keeps sending me those messages and I've told her to stop because I've got an amazing girlfriend who's ten times better than she is but she won't listen and it's not my fault."

"You dated her."

He hesitated, before nodding once.

"But you're through with her."

"Yes! I love you. No one but you. Only you."

I shrugged, crossing my arms. "Okay. As long as you're through with her."
Raph froze. "You... you're not mad?"

"No. I get it, crazy exes are the worst."

He laughed nervously. "Yeah, they are..."

"Of course I wouldn't blame you."

"Oh! Good."

"I've had to deal with a few exes myself in the past."

"See, they're really terrible aren't th-- wait. You have exes?!"
I laughed. "You think you're the first guy I've ever dated?"

Raph's eyes narrowed. "How many guys have you dated?"

"Oh, not many," I smirked, turning on my heel and walking toward the dojo.

I giggled to myself, hearing Raph shout after me, "Wait, come back! Who are they?! I need their name, address, and social security card...!"

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