Your Secret- Leonardo

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Your parents were packing in the living room, as usual, having been called out on yet another business trip. The same things filled their identical plain grey suitcases: black pants, a white shirt, black shoes, a grey laptop. Your mother teetered a bit in her heels as she hastily put her hair into a neat bun. She spun on her heel to look at you, slaving away for your biology final.
"Now, Y/N," she began, her voice quiet but still filled with authority, "What are you going to do while we're gone this weekend?"
Honestly, did she still think you were 7?
"I'm going to study for my finals," you replied automatically.
"That's right," your mom turned back to pinning a stray piece of her bangs back into place.
"But..." you hesitated, "I've already finished the study guides, and I know all the material. So, I was wondering-"
"No," your father looked up momentarily from packing, "You need to study. There is not another option for this weekend. No extra activities. You need your grades to stay where they are."
"But Dad," you whined, "I know everything-"
"Not another word," your mom interrupted, "How is my little girl going to take over the family business if she doesn't have straight A's?"
You rolled your eyes, muttering under your breath, "Maybe I don't want to take over the business."
"What was that?" your mother's eyes narrowed at you, and you sighed quietly.
"Alright then," she replied as she donned her pea coat and grabbed her handbag.
"Bye sweetie," your dad shouted as he carried the luggage out the door, "Love you."
"I-" you were cut off by the front door slamming shut, "...I love you too."

*1 hour later*

"Ugh," you groaned in misery at the already-completed worksheet, "Screw this. I'm watching the play."
You flopped onto your bed and flipped through the recorded videos until you found it- the live recording of Juliard's Romeo and Juliet.
You knew the script by heart by now. You breathed a sigh of content as you began to recite your favorite verse, flourishing your hands, your expression matching Juliet's:
"Give me my Romeo, and, when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine, that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun."
You put your hands out to your sides, smoothing down the wrinkles in your imaginary ball gown as you gazed out over your make-believe balcony.
"Y/N," you jumped and wheeled around to see... Leo.
He smiled as he jumped the rest of the way into your room. How long had he been listening to you?
"You," he began as he sheathed his katanas, "Are an amazing actress."
You laughed, beginning to feel the ever-present heat creep onto your face once again. "Th-thank you."
Leo glanced at the TV, as the actors continued the scene. "Are you in theater?"
"No," you admitted as you sat back on your bed, "I want to be. It's just... my parents think it's foolish, wanting to go into acting. They want me to run the family business."
Leo sat beside you, and gazed intently into your e/c eyes.
"You'd be astounding. I bet you could make entire crowds pass out from just seeing your performance. And... you'd be the most beautiful Juliet ever."
You giggled a bit, and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you, oh dear Romeo."
He leaned his head on yours, and as the play continued, murmured with the actor, as he peered down at you, "But, soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."

Aww, he knows Shakespeare too! That's adorable! Sorry I've been MIA for a while, school getting over with and all... but the end is near!
April: woo hoo! No more homework for 3 months!
Me: Praise the lord!
Casey: It's over! Finally!
Me and April: ...You barely did anything the whole year, Casey
Casey: yeah, but... that doesn't mean it wasn't a drag.
Me: *shrugs* True. Bye, my lovelies!

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