Your Secret- Donatello

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"Okay... Okay... DONE!" you shouted with one last swish of your paintbrush. You grinned down at the old book cover. Once, it had been some plain old manual on classifying lizards. Now, it held the many pages of your now completed novel! You doused your brush in the cup of water and gazed at your work, scrutinizing the many swirls and shadows of the design.
"Y/N!" Your father barged in the door, scaring the daylight out of you, "What're you doing?! I told you five times to come..."
He trailed off as he observed the art supplies scattered across your desk, then his eyes narrowed. "Y/N, we talked about this! You are not going to waste your precious study time on finger painting!"
You tensed. "It's not finger painting! It's a serious art piece! And I don't need more study time! The chemical equation is CO6+H20 converted to- blah, blah, blah! I know this already! Can't you trust me?"
"Do NOT raise your voice at me!" your father shouted, "How am I supposed to trust you if all you do is doodle?!"
"You're raising your voice!" you yelled back, "And if you would just listen to me, you'd know that I'm actually wri-"
You huffed as your dad's face continued to redden.
"Until you learn to respect what I tell you and get rid of your attitude," he continued, "Give me your brushes."
"What?!" you cried, but your dad had already swiped your pallet and paint brushes off your desk.
"You heard me," he shot back, starting to close the door, "No art until I see more effort on your school."
"As if I need to concentrate!" you shouted, "What do want from me?! An A+++?!"
But your words were wasted, as your bedroom door slammed shut.
"Ugh!" you huffed, and looked at your now-bare desk. At least you still had your book. You picked it up, grabbing a pencil walking over to your window seat to proof read... again.

*30 minutes later*

You sighed as you turned another page. Halfway through Chapter 4, and you still hadn't found any errors. But you weren't bored in the least bit. Sure, you missed being able to paint, but you could never put a book down, even if you'd read it 50 times.
Your eyes soon glazed over as you got further entangled in the plot, then: tap, tap, tap! You fell off the window seat, you were so startled. You glanced up through your disheveled h/c hair to see Donnie, a look of puzzlement on his face. You laughed softly, picking yourself up and letting Donnie in.
"Hi, Y/N," he said.
"Hey, D," you replied, getting on your hands and knees to search for your pencil.
"So," he started, "Why are you so... jumpy today?"
"I just got caught up in reading is all."
"Oh, what're you reading?"
You looked up to see Donnie had picked up your book and was looking over the cover.
"Wow, really cool cover art!" he exclaimed, "Who's it by?"
"Er, well," you slowly took the book back into your hands, "It's... by me..."
Donnie's eyes widened, "Y/N, that's amazing! You're meaning to tell me you've been writing a novel?"
"Y-yeah," you managed, setting it back on the bookshelf, "It's just for fun, just to get my mind off other things..."
"Well, you should try to publish it! What's it about?"
You smiled faintly. Finally, someone was interested in something you had created! "It's about a girl who's really shy and spends all her time in the library, until she meets a guy who is just like her, just with a bit of a twist- he's got a terrible past, and he loves her, but doesn't want the girl to get hurt for something that's his fault, and..." you laughed nervously, brushing away your hair, "Well, you get it."
"It's sounds really cool," he complimented, "Lemme know when it's finished."
You giggled softly at his adorkableness, giving him a quick peck on the cheek."Sure thing, D."

Adorkableness. That word sums up this entire chapter. ^.^

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