Hearing You Sing- Raphael

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"29...30...," I juggled the ball on my head, my knees, my feet. Just because I was stuck down here for a while didn't mean I couldn't practice a little. I pulled an earbud out as I let the ball bounce to the ground, looking around the dojo and half-expecting Raph to jump out like he always did, materialize from the shadows.

Nothing. I shrugged, he and his brothers must be out. I replaced my earbud, taking a moment to shuffle my music before I knelt into a push-up position. A very familiar song began to play, and I smirked to myself as I listened to the music.

Not Cinderella, still got my shoes,

I like the animal, the supernatural,

Maybe I'm crazy but...

I grinned as I thought to myself how it had been since I'd sang a few lines. I forced myself to complete my push-ups along to the beat, forgetting I had headphones on and beginning to harmonize.

"If you were Dracula, I'd be letting you take that bite,
Hot and hazardous, Like playing with dynamite,
Yeah, I want Dracula, forever be young and wild,
Dark and dangerous, yeah I love, I love the tragically beautiful..."

I looked up to see a pair of bright green eyes staring back at me. I gasped. My focus crumbled... as I did the strength in my arms. I collapsed to the floor with an oof! and Raph smirked, helping me to my feet.

"Still as beautiful as the first day I heard you sing," He said as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Still as sneaky as the day I met you," I returned his smirk playfully, pulling my earbuds away from my ears again.

Raph rolled his eyes, shifting so that he was standing in front of me. I laid my hand against his chest, slowly tracing a line along the crack in his plastron. He tensed a bit, redness creeping onto his face. My smirk got bigger.

"I'm lucky to have you, Beautiful," Raph muttered.

"Not as lucky as I am, Raphie Boy."

'Kay, I just watched the two new episodes, the Fourfold Trap and Dinosaur Seen in the Sewer. I can't even... *wipes a tear from my eye*

Raph: ...You 'can't even' what?

Me: Don't question me right now, Raphael! I'm in the middle of a serious emotional crisis over the new episodes!

Raph: *turns to Leo* if I ever start talking like Annabeth, put me out of my misery.

Leo: *nods* will do.

Me: *still on the verge of an emotional meltdown* See you next chapter, my lovelies.

(Song: Dracula by Bea Miller)

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