Next Top Model - Leonardo

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Requested by @Knasbollen  --- so many great ideas!

"LEO!" I shouted out into the living room, making my fearless leader jump in surprise.

"Yes, Yügana?" He answered absentmindedly as he turned back to drooling over Space Heroes.

I rolled my eyes, hurrying over to shut up off the TV. Leo frowned at me in slight protest.

"I need your opinions," I explained as I tugged him out of his beanbag chair and toward our shared room.

"Opinions on what?" He asked, now fully attentive.

I smiled as I made him sit at the edge of the bed. "Some clothes. Just sit there and wait till I come out, 'kay?"

I turned on my heel and strode into the bathroom before Leo could say another word.

I peeked my head out the door at Leo, who brightened immediately.

"Hey," He greeted, "So, what'd you wanna show me?"

"Well," I started uncertainly, "I'm not sure this even looks that good on me."

Leo stood and walked up to me, taking my hand through the doorway, "Trust me, anything could look good on you."

I smiled softly, finally opening the door all the way to reveal myself in a flowy, royal blue dress. I grinned as I gazed down at the modest halter top dress paired with a new pair of worn cowboy boots, already feeling more confident as I turned so slowly for Leo to see. He took my hand, pulling me close and brushing my hair away from my e/c eyes.

"See? what'd I tell you?" He grinned, kissing my forehead, "Beautiful."

I blushed, accidentally turning on the anti-gravity around myself and having to hold down the skirt of my dress as my hair floated crazily around my face. I didn't need a mirror to know my face was beet red. 

Leo only chuckled, leaning forward to kiss me softly.

"I love you, my gorgeous model."

I giggled nervously, holding the fabric of the skirt down as I replied, "And I love you, my dashing hero."

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