Hearing You Sing - Donatello

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I spun around in Donnie's swivel chair, groaning as I stared at the ceiling in the lab. The guys had gone out on patrol, and I couldn't sleep, so there I sat, insomnia plaguing me and with nothing to do but listen to the portable radio I had turned on.

Random tunes floated in and out of my awareness, as I hummed along to a few lyrics, but jolting upright as a particular song began to play. My hands tapped out the rhythm of the song against the counter...

Down by the water, under the willow,

Sits a lone ranger, minding the willow,

He and his wife, once lived happily,

Planted a seed, that grew through the reeds...

I couldn't stand myself much longer, as I begin to sing the melody quietly.

"Summers, and winters, through snowy Decembers,
Sat by the water, close to the embers,
Missing out the lives that they once had, befo-o-ore..."

I jumped up, twirling around on my bare feet as a grin spread across my face, and I sang the lyrics at full volume.

"I wouldn't leave you, I would hold you,
When the last day comes,
What if you need me, won't you hold me,
On the last day, our last day..."

Suddenly, I was whirled around, two hands resting on my waist. My eyes widened as I looked up at Donnie, who was beaming down at me.

"...You're home," I breathed, as the tension left my body.

He chuckled, nodding his head and brushing a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. "Your voice is impeccable."

His hand cupped my cheek, and I wasn't able to answer, as my breath caught in my throat. I lowered my gaze in embarrassment as I felt my cheeks get red. He lowered his head so that he could meet my eyes again.

"I mean it," He pulled me a little closer, pressing his lips to mine softly, sweetly. My heart did backflips at his touch.

I pulled away slightly, just enough to murmur, "Thank you, Donnie."

He smiled, "Anytime, Wise Girl," before pulling me in for another kiss.

Absolutely loved writing this chapter.

Donnie: ...why?


Donnie: *covers his ears* alright, alright! Tell me again why you have to be so loud when you're fan girling?

Me: *put on some shades like a boss* that's how I roll, bruh.

Donnie: uh...

Me: Peace out, homies! See ya next chapter!

(Song: Willow by Jasmine Thomson)

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