Dancing in The Rain- Donatello

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You gasped in delight as you rushed to the window and saw the onslaught of rain pouring from the sky. You quickly put away your books and hurried out of the library, crying out in happiness as thunder sounded. It never rained in west coast, where you came from. A thunderstorm was a luxury to a girl like you.

You didn't even care that people were staring at you, laughing as you spun in circles, arms held out to let as much rain splash onto you as possible. Your hair was soaked within seconds, and your clothes began to get weighed down with water, but you continued to twirl, making your way to the alley behind the library and starting to all-out dance your heart out. You were so absorbed in the stormy weather that you didn't look know you were going until you ran into someone else... Donnie.

"Y/N!" D was just as surprised as you were.

"O-oh, hey D-Donnie," you stumbled over your words, nervously tucking a bit of h/c hair behind your ear. A long moment of silence. You prayed he hadn't seen your little rain dance. That would be-

"Nice dancing."


"Er, um, thanks," you managed to say, realizing you were beginning to sound exactly like Donnie had. Donnie chuckled, making you blush.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed," he reassured you, "You're actually quite good. And you're an even better teacher."

Your redness brightened as you thought back to when you'd taught Donnie to dance. He stepped extremely close to you, and your heart skipped a beat.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, and you giggled, taking his hand and putting your other on his shoulder as the two of you began to waltz in the alley.

As you both danced, he leaned down and whispered in your ear, "Y-You're beautiful. O-On the inside and out."

You smiled up at him, and as you waltzed to no music in the middle of an alley in the midst of a thunderstorm, thanked the heavens you had moved to New York.

I. Love. This. So. Much. I can't stop fangirling right now. It's just too much to handle!

Donnie: okay, Annabeth, you need to calm down! What is fangirling anyway?

Me: It's what you do every time April walks by.

April: *pokes head into room* WHAT?!

Donnie: o.o *faints*

Me: *cracking up and dying of laughter* oh, that was too good. Adios, my lovelies!

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